The last time I checked the Holocaust never happened in an Islamic country. The Crusades and the Inquisition were not started by Muslims either. World Wars I & II were started by so-called Christian countries with bishops blessing troops on both sides. So who has killed more people in the last 1000 years? Christians or Muslims?
The Spread of Muslims in Europe
by serotonin_wraith 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
NO ONE is disputing that christianity has massive bloodguilt and I despise organized religion in general just as much as the next atheist, but the point of this whole debate is to highlight the atrocities being perpetrated RIGHT NOW in the name of Islam.
Read the paper, visit a muslim country (not recommended), even talk with an average muslim and you'll find an alarming number who agree with these barbaric interpretations of the Quran. My brother goes to school with a muslim guy who seems like a pretty nice person until you talk about Sunnis (he's Shi'ia). His own words were: "Sunnis are heretics and they all deserve to die."
This from an outwardly normal person attending school in a western country surrounded by western values.
There is a rotten vein coursing through the Quran and politically correct coddling with western guilt navel-gazing is not the way to go about fighting it. When people are burned to death because a cartoonist drew a satire of the prophet Muhammad and muslims rally around the world screaming for blood, when women are slaughtered by the hundreds for not wearing headscarves, when innocent children are beheaded because they are deemed "heretics" because they were born to parents of a different denomination, when homosexual teens are publicly hanged or stoned to death by their own government, when leaders openly spew hate for jews and infidels, when all of this is happening RIGHT NOW I believe we must address the issue for what it is instead of shrinking back in fear. -
NO ONE is disputing that christianity has massive bloodguilt and I despise organized religion in general just as much as the next atheist, but the point of this whole debate is to highlight the atrocities being perpetrated RIGHT NOW in the name of Islam.
Well name them. Where is this holocaust and mass killings by Muslims. Yes, they have barbaric laws written it into their holy book. So does Christianity's. Does the Muslim world have a rash of killings in the name of Allah. About as much as the Christian world has in the name of the Lord. (see Rwanda and Africa)
RIGHT NOW I believe we must address the issue for what it is instead of shrinking back in fear.
One can only infer from that one thing from that statement that is hurt and or kill muslims till they convert. Or, else you would of put a plan up otherwise.
cognizant dissident
.RIGHT NOW I believe we must address the issue for what it is instead of shrinking back in fear.
One can only infer from that one thing from that statement that is hurt and or kill muslims till they convert. Or, else you would of put a plan up otherwiseWell, 5go you win the booby prize for the most outrageous twisting of words since the WTBTS distinction between minor fractions and major fractions. How you can turn "we must address this issue" into "hurt and kill muslims till they convert" is just mind boggling. You are truly delusional! Cog
A major thing in this spreading is the U.S.A and Britains policy. When U.S.A and U.K. is supporting muslim countries like Turkey, and trying desperately to make Turkey a member of the E.U. what you can whait for the future.
This moment Muslim foundamentalism is spreading and in Turkey. Few days the change a law for the women that they can wear their muslim head cloth in the universities. A country that has at least 70% of the polulation uneducated and fast birth rate. In just 20 years from 80 millions they wiil become 120 millions.
It is about time that the west must realize the muslim threat. My small country the 37% of the land is occupied by the Turks since 1974. Turkey has make ethnic cleansing, war crimes against the Greek Cypriots of the Island. I was small kid at that time but I can't forget the napalm bombs falling over our heads. Turkey has violeted and still violeting every international law. Turkey is trying in every way to vanish every Christian monument at the occupied North part of my counrty. Our Churches have turned into stables, toilets our just completely destroyed. A worldwide herritage has been completely ruined by the Muslims. Places that Apostle Paul preached, Salamis the city that Apostle Barnabas was born and was the first Bishop at the Island are ruined because of the muslim fanatism.
I will not tell what destruction the muslims did in Minor Asia, all the places that had a Christian identity. From the city of Cappadocia, to the Antioch, and all the well known first century Christian places, that unfortunalely they fell into the Othomanic occupation, because the West and the Papal Church they wanted to see the destruction of Byzantine.
Unfortunately countries like U.S.A and specially Great Britain are supporting Turkey without really understanding what they are doing. All they care is how to make more and more money...
By supporting Muslim countries at the end it will be a boomerag and 9/11 it will be just a minor incident to what will follow.
I'm not suggesting an Ethnic cleansing of the Muslims but for sure Western Countries must find a civilized way to control the spreading of the Muslim fanatism, that again because of wrong policy's of Bush and Blair have turned muslims more fanatics.
Excellent points Burntheships!!!!
It is about time that people start to read some History. Since you mention Constantinoupole in 1954 the Turks start a massive persecution to the Greek's tha left there and force them to abandoned their homes and jobs. Killing them, raping them, all the Greek Cementries were vantalized.
Even now that Turkey wants to join E.U.(joke) they haven't open the theological school in Halki, a place that has history 1700 years!!! They are trying in every way to vanish Christian herritage.
The most horrible thing is the genoside's that they did, and all of them they were Christians.
1. More than 1.5 MILLION Armenians were slaughtered by the Turks between the year 1912-1922
2. More than 0.5 MILLION Greeks were slaughtered by the Turks in 1922-1925
3. More than 0.3 MILLION Assyrians were slaguthered by the Turks the same year
At least countries like France have accepted the Genocide of the Armenians, but Turkey after all this years IT IS STILL STUBORNLY REFUSING that they commited those crimes. At least Germans they have appologize for the Holocaust, but in Turkey if you speak about those matters IT IS A CRIME AGAINST the State and you ended up in prison!!!!
If you do not accept your mistake that means YOU WILL REPEAT IT.
In my country we suffered and still suffering a lot from the Muslim occupation. In the occupied part they bring immigrants from Minor Asia and they are commiting another war crime. Soon the occupied part of my country it will look a third world muslim country. You can see them have 3-4 wifes and 6-8 kids, that most of them are uneducated. In just few years time the 750.000 Greek Cypriots we will become a minority, and we will start to look for a new Country. This is how Turkey is acting. The did in Syria, they did it in Greece, they did in many other places.
This is how the Muslims are acting. They now that we are out numbered. They send a few thousands in one place and in few years they become many. After that they are claiming their rights and they have political advantage. They did in Cosovo, they are on the process to do it in France and Germany.
Well, 5go you win the booby prize for the most outrageous twisting of words since the WTBTS distinction between minor fractions and major fractions.
How you can turn "we must address this issue" into "hurt and kill Muslims till they convert" is just mind boggling. You are truly delusional! CogNotice how your only comeback was to say I twisted what was said. Yet you did not say what other conclusion one is supposed to come to if it doesn't mean kill or injure Muslims till they convert.
So how is one to address the issue of the Muslim menace then? Declare war on them. Oh wait, that would entail killing or injuring Muslims till they convert to some other ideology wouldn't it.
I'm not suggesting an Ethnic cleansing of the Muslims but for sure Western Countries must find a civilized way to control the spreading of the Muslim fanatism, that again because of wrong policy's of Bush and Blair have turned muslims more fanatics.
There is only one way deny freedom of religion to Muslims. Which would give them what they want persecution which feeds more fanaticism from them.
If you do not accept your mistake that means YOU WILL REPEAT IT.
Thanks for your insight justhuman. I forgot to mention those things. Obviously, since you live on one of the bloody borders you have a better insight than the rest of us who don't.