Is it "Healthy" for every JW to think alike like they do....

by JH 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hermano
  • MMae

    "any opinion any man can have you wil have to recognize as legitimate."

    This is a bad thing?

    Biblical unity is NOT defined by everyone having the same thought and practice regards matters of worship. Read Romans 15:1-7 in context with Romans chapter 14. It is clear that unity occurs when disciples consult and listen to their own personal conscience, and make the choice that they personally feel is right before God, AND do NOT judge one another's choice, nor push their own viewpoints on other believers. THAT is Christian Unity. Drop the cookie cutters!

  • Hiddenwindow

    It is not only unhealthy; it is extremely dangerous: a multitude of individuals who have ceased to be individuals and have become robots who would not say “bless you” when someone sneezes or raise their glass say cheers unless the Governing Body says it is okay to do so.

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