I was wondering about this the other day before I went to sleep, out of habit and my spiritual beliefs now, I spoke to the spiritual realm above and asked for guidance and protection.
I remember my journey of leaving the JW "borg" (a new term I have picked up here - I like it!) and at first I refused to pray at all, and then I wasn't sure I wanted to or not, and then I developed my own sense of the higher power above and spirituality and every night before I sleep, I feel blessed to have another day of life, to do it all again. Even on days when I am not having such a good day, I take time to ask the higher realm for strength and direction. As a Buddhist in the morning, I do not pray, I simply meditate for about twenty minutes of time, to clear my mind and center myself. I love doing that too.
I am curious if the ex JWs and those on the road out, do you pray and when you do, whom do you pray to? I'm just curious.