Could an active JW read this without blinking?

by besty 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillajwexelder

    to get around this JWs write their own rules of what a cult is

  • stillajwexelder





    FEBRUARY 28, 1993—more than a hundred law-enforcement agents raided a compound of buildings housing dozens of men, women, and children. The object was to search for illegal weapons and to arrest a suspected criminal. The agents, however, were caught by surprise when a hail of bullets came flying toward them from inside the buildings. They returned the fire.

    This confrontation left ten dead and several wounded. During the following 50 days, hundreds of government agents laid siege to the compound with enough guns to wage a small war. The standoff ended in a showdown that left 86 dead, including at least 17 children.

    But who was the enemy? An army of drug-dealing mobsters? A guerrilla faction? No. As you may know, the "enemy" was a group of religious devotees, members of a cult. Their tragedy made an inconspicuous community on the plains of central Texas, U.S.A., the focus of international attention. The news media flooded the airwaves and the printed page with a barrage of reports, analyses, and comments on the dangers of fanatical cults.

    The public was reminded of previous instances in which cult members were led to death by their leaders: the 1969 Manson murders in California; the 1978 mass suicide of cult members in Jonestown, Guyana; the 1987 murder-suicide pact engineered by cult leader Park Soon-ja of Korea, which resulted in the death of 32 members. Significantly, most of these people claimed to be Christians and professed belief in the Bible.

    Understandably, many who respect the Bible as the Word of God are appalled at the brazen misuse of the Scriptures by these cults. As a result, over the years hundreds of organizations have been established for the purpose of monitoring cults and exposing their dangerous practices. Experts on cult behavior predict that the coming of a new millennium in a few years may trigger the proliferation of cults. One news magazine noted that according to anticult groups, there are thousands of cults "out there poised to snatch your body, control your mind, corrupt your soul. . . . Few are armed but most are considered dangerous. They’ll seduce you and fleece you, marry and bury you."



    The term "cult" is used loosely by many who may not be fully aware of its connotations. To prevent confusion, some theologians actually avoid using the term.


    WorldBookEncyclopedia explains that "traditionally, the term cult referred to any form of worship or ritual observance." By that criterion, all religious organizations could be classified as cults. However, in general usage today, the word "cult" has a different meaning. The same encyclopedia notes that "since the mid-1900’s, publicity about cults has altered the meaning of the term. Today, the term is applied to groups that follow a living leader who promotes new and unorthodox doctrines and practices."

    Endorsing the popular usage of the term, Newsweek magazine explains that cults "are normally small, fringe groups whose members derive their identity and purpose from a single, charismatic individual." Similarly, Asiaweek magazine notes that "the term [cult] itself is vague, but it usually denotes a new religious creed built around a charismatic leader, who often proclaims himself to be the personification of God."

    The language used in a joint resolution of the 100th Congress of the State of Maryland, U.S.A., also conveys the derogatory connotation of the term cult. The resolution states that "a cult is a group or movement exhibiting excessive devotion to a person or idea and employing unethically manipulative techniques of persuasion and control to advance the goals of its leaders."

    Clearly, cults are generally understood to be religious groups with radical views and practices that clash with what is accepted today as normal social behavior. Usually they conduct their religious activities in secrecy. Many of these cultic groups actually isolate themselves in communes. Their devotion to a self-proclaimed human leader is likely to be unconditional and exclusive. Often these leaders boast of having been divinely chosen or even of being themselves divine in nature.

    Occasionally, anticult organizations and the media have referred to Jehovah’s Witnesses as a cult. A number of recent newspaper articles lump the Witnesses with religious groups known for their questionable practices. But would it be accurate to refer to Jehovah’s Witnesses as a small fringe religious group? Cult members often isolate themselves from friends, family, and even society in general. Is that the case with Jehovah’s Witnesses? Are the Witnesses using deceptive and unethical techniques to recruit members?

    Cult leaders are known to use manipulative methods to control the minds of their followers. Is there any evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses do this? Is their worship cloaked in secrecy? Are they following and venerating a human leader? Pointedly, are Jehovah’s Witnesses a cult?

  • stillajwexelder





    Admittedly, the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses are different from those provided by the churches. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jehovah is the almighty God and that Jesus is his Son, not part of a triune deity. Their faith is anchored in the belief that God’s Kingdom alone can bring relief to suffering humanity. They warn people of the imminent destruction of this corrupt system of things. They preach about God’s promise of an earthly paradise for obedient mankind. They do not venerate the cross. They do not celebrate Christmas. They believe that the soul is mortal and that there is no hellfire. They will not eat blood, nor will they accept blood transfusions. They abstain from involvement in politics and participation in warfare. Have you ever asked yourself why the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses are so different?

    A Massachusetts newspaper, the DailyHampshireGazette, explains that Jehovah’s Witnesses’ "strict interpretation of the Bible forbids many activities others take for granted . . . , all in an effort to follow the example of first-century Christians and the word of the Bible." TheEncyclopediaofReligion agrees that "all that they believe is based on the Bible. They ‘proof text’ (that is, supply a biblical citation to support) almost every statement of faith, taking for granted the authority of the Bible, which entirely supplants tradition." The book ReligioninAmerica states: "The group has never wavered from its focus on Bible study, and its teachings are supported by an elaborate system of references to scripture."



    It is precisely because of this close adherence to Bible teachings that the veneration and idolization of human leaders so characteristic of cults today is not to be found among Jehovah’s Witnesses. They reject the concept of a clergy-laity distinction. TheEncyclopediaofReligion aptly states about Jehovah’s Witnesses: "A clergy class and distinctive titles are prohibited."

    They follow Jesus Christ as their Leader and as Head of the Christian congregation. It was Jesus who said: "Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One. Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for your Leader is one, the Christ."—Matthew 23:8-12.

    It is clear that Jehovah’s Witnesses are as far from being a cult as Jesus was from being a glutton and a drunkard. Admittedly, not everyone who was influenced by the false reports about Jesus and his disciples fell into the trap of slandering him. Some may simply have been misinformed. If you have questions about Jehovah’s Witnesses and their beliefs, why not get to know them better? The doors to their Kingdom Halls are wide open to all who seek truth.

    You can also benefit from their careful search for accurate Bible knowledge and learn how to worship God in harmony with Jesus’ words: "The hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him."—John 4:23.

  • RollerDave


    Had me going there for a few minutes, I almost thought I had been raised in a CULT!

    Perish the THOUGHT!

    Thank you Brother Stilla for that refreshing spiritual food, it sure brought some much-needed perspective to this thread.

    Now where can I find some Spiritual Rolaids?

    (oh yeah, at the TOP of the thread! Silly me!)


  • Maddie

    Cognitive dissonance. They reason it away because they don't want to believe they "haven't got the "Truth


  • stapler99

    Yeah, but I'm afraid that's not how it works. JW's read such things through the lens of their beliefs, thus: (PS I'm not sure if I'm using BBCode rightly here or whatever it is I'm meant to be using. Unfortunately there's no preview post option on this forum) [quote="besty"] IDENTIFYING A CULT There has been much confusion about cults and how to 'pickem'. Some have difficulty identifying a cult because it is not so easy to identify one that is not even religious. For this reason, over the years, different definitions of what actually is a cult have developed to make it easier when you know little about their beliefs. The different definitions: SECULAR DEFINITION CULT - From the Latin "cultis" which denotes all that is involved in worship, ritual, emotion, liturgy and attitude. This definition actually denotes what we call denominations and sects and would make all religious movements a cult. [b]I've read this in the Watchtower before. Isn't it educational?[/b] CHRISTIAN DEFINITION [b]Don't you mean "profressed Christian" definition? Amirite? [/b] CULT - Any group which deviates from Biblical, orthodox, historical Christianity. e.i. They deny the Deity of Christ; His physical resurrection; His personal and physical return to earth and salvation by FAITH alone. [b]We are true Historical Christianity. This article was obviously written by a fat clergyman of Christendom.[/b] This definition only covers those groups which are cults within the Christian religion. It does not cover cults within other world religions such as Islam and Hinduism. Nor does it cover Psychological, Commercial or Educational cults which do not recognize the Bible as a source of reality. UNIVERSAL DEFINITION CULT - Any group which has a pyramid type authoritarian leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming from the person/persons at the top. The group will claim to be the only way to God; Nirvana; Paradise; Ultimate Reality; Full Potential, Way to Happiness etc, and will use thought reform or mind control techniques to gain control and keep their members. [b]Mind control? Like Satan's control of this system? JW's are truly the only ones free of such Satanic cult-like influences![/b] This definition covers cults within all majopr world religions, along with those cults which have no OBVIOUS religious base such as commercial, educational and psychological cults. Others may define these a little differently, but this is the simplest to work from. THE 'ORTHODOX BIBLE-BASED CULT' A group is called a cult because of their behaviour - not their doctrines. Doctrine is an issue in the area of Apologetics and Heresy. Most religious cults do teach what the Christian church would declare to be heresy but some do not. Some cults teach the basics of the Christian faith but have behavioural patterns that are abusive, controlling and cultic. [b]Abusive, like those paedo Catholic priests? Am I not glad not to be involved in such things in Jehovah's organization![/b] This occurs in both Non-Charismatic and Charismatic churches. These groups teach the central doctrines of the Christian faith and then add the extra authority of leadership or someone's particular writings. They centre around the interpretations of the leadership and submissive and unquestioning acceptance of these is essential to be a member of good standing. This acceptance includes what we consider non-essential doctrines e.i. not salvation issues (such as the Person and Work of Christ.) The key is that they will be using mind control or undue influence on their members. [b]Additional doctrines, like hellfire, life after death, or the existence of paid clergy? LOL![/b] An excellent book on this subject is "Churches that Abuse" by Dr Ronald Enroth. Using these guidelines of definition, Bible-based, Psychological, Educational and Commercial aberrations can easily be identified. OTHER IDENTIFICATION MARKS (a) The group will have an ELITIST view of itself in relation to others, and a UNIQUE CAUSE. e.i. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES RIGHT - everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL - everyone else is in apostasy. [b]Well, don't you expect people to think their religion is right and others are wrong? What would be the point otherwise?[/b] (b) They will promote their cause actively, and in doing so, abuse God-given personal rights and freedoms. This abuse can be THEOLOGICAL, SPIRITUAL, SOCIAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL. HOW THEY DO THIS 1. Their leader/s may claim a special, exclusive ministry, revelation or position of authority given by God. 2. They believe they are the only true church and take a critical stance regarding the Christian church while at the same time praising and exalting their own group, leader/s and work. 3. They use intimidation or psychological manipulation to keep members loyal to their ranks. This could be in the form of threats of dire calamity sent by God if they leave; certain death at Armageddon; being shunned by their family and friends etc. This is a vital part of the mind control process. 4. Members will be expected to give substantial financial support to the group. This could be compulsory tithing (which is checked); signing over all their property on entering the group; coercive methods of instilling guilt on those who have not contributed; selling magazines, flowers or other goods for the group as part of their "ministry". [b]No collections at the meetings, unlike in the churches of Christendom![/b] At the same time bible-based cults may ridicule churches that take up free-will offerings by passing collection plates and/or sell literature and tapes. They usually brag that they don't do this. This gives outsiders the intimation that they are not interested in money. 5. There will be great emphasis on loyalty to the group and its teachings. The lives of members will be totally absorbed into the group's activities. They will have little or no time to think for themselves because of physical and emotional exhaustion. This is also a vital part of the mind control process. 6. There will be total control over almost all aspects of the private lives of members. This control can be direct through communal living, or constant and repetitious teaching on "how to be a true Christian" or "being obedient to leadership". Members will look to their leaders for guidance in everything they do. 7. Bible-based cults may proclaim they have no clergy/laity distinction and no paid ministry class - that they are all equal. [b]I think this article may be implicating us! But at least they admit we are "Bible-based"! Even they can't deny that![/b] 8. Any dissent or questioning of the group's teachings is discouraged. Criticism in any form is seen as rebellion. There will be an emphasis on authority, unquestioning obedience and submission. This is vigilantly maintained. 9. Members are required to demonstrate their loyalty to the group in some way. This could be in the form of "dobbing" on fellow members (including family) under the guise of looking out for their "spiritual welfare". They may be required to deliberately lie (heavenly deception) or give up their lives by refusing some form of medical treatment. 10. Attempts to leave or reveal embarrassing facts about the group may be met with threats. Some may have taken oaths of loyalty that involve their lives or have signed a "covenant" and feel threatened by this. Refugees of the group are usually faced with confrontations by other members with coercion to get them to return to the group. SOME ABUSES OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS:- 1. ABUSE OF INDIVIDUALITY They adopt a "groupness" mentality. They are not permitted to think for themselves apart from the group and only accept what they are told. 2. ABUSE OF INTIMACY Relationships with friends, relatives, spouses, children, parents etc are broken or seriously hampered. [b]But following the Bible's guidance strengthens families![/b] 3. ABUSE OF FINANCES Pressure to give all you can to the group. In non-communal groups, members usually live at the lower socio-economic strata, not because of a lower income level, but because they are always giving money to the group for some reason. 4. "US VERSUS THEM" MENTALITY Isolation from the community in general. Anyone and everything outside the group is seen as "of the devil" or "unenlightened" etc. Their enemies now include former friends; the Christian church; governments; education systems; the media - the world in general. Those who are involved with these in any way see such involvement as a "means to an end". [b]No, we love the people in the world! That's why we spend so much time knocking on the doors trying to convert them so they don't die at Armageddon![/b] 5. ABUSE OF TIME AND ENERGY The group controls and uses almost all the members time and energy in group activities. They are usually in a constant state of mental and physical exhaustion. 6. ABUSE OF FREE WILL They must unquestioning submit to the groups teachings and directions and their own free will is broken. Their "will" actually becomes the groups "will" without their realizing it. This is done either by coercive methods including low protein diets and lack of sleep, or over a period of time through intimidation. Both methods make heavy use of "guilt". RESULTS OF THIS ABUSE 1. PERSONALITY CHANGES Relatives will say they no longer recognize the person. From a warm, loving personality will come heaped abuse, rejection and feelings of hate. The cult member sees himself as "righteous" in comparison and this comes across in their attitude toward all outsiders. 2. LOSS OF IDENTITY They cannot see themselves as individuals apart from the group. Some even change their name as a rejection of their former life. 3. PARANOID - WE ARE BEING PERSECUTED Any time you say anything negative about the group, whether justified or no, it is regarded as "persecution". Any criticism of the individual is also seen as persecution only because they are the "true Christian" or "enlightened" one - not because they, as an individual, have done the wrong thing. However, at the same time they will feel free to criticise whatever you believe, say and do because they are "the only ones who are right". 4. SOCIAL DISORIENTATION They lose their ability to socialize outside the group. This can go so far as to not being able to structure their time or make simple decisions for themselves when they leave. [b]We have plenty of social activity inside Jehovah's organization. People in the world don't have friends/[/b] Their world-view alters and they perceive the world through their leaders eyes. They become very naive about life in general. 5. SEVERE GUILT COMPLEXES They are made to feel guilty of everything they did before entering the group and are to strive to be "good" and "worthy" for "eternal life". Misdemeanors are made into "mountains" so that members are in a constant state of guilt for infringing even the most minor rules. Guilt comes because they aren't doing enough; entertaining doubts or questions; even thinking rationally for oneself. This guilt is piled upon pile with new rules constantly being laid down about what is sinful and what is not. Illness may be seen as lack of faith - more guilt. Emotional illness may be seen as proof of sin in your life - more guilt. [b]Christ's ransom sacrifice takes away our sin and our guilt.[/b] SUMMARY Not all these points will be found in every cult, but all cults will have some if not most of them, although these may vary to some degree. [b]All true of all cults, and it's a pity that they seem to propagate the misconception that we're a cult. This false Christian writer has a hidden agenda against God's organization[/b] Copyright 1985 Jan Groenveld Freedom In Christ, PO Box 2444, Mansfield, 4122, Australia [/quote]

  • stapler99

    I'll try that again:

    Yeah, but I'm afraid that's not how it works. JW's read such things through the lens of their beliefs, thus:

    (PS I'm not sure if I'm using BBCode rightly here or whatever it is I'm meant to be using. Unfortunately there's no preview post option on this forum)


    There has been much confusion about cults and how to 'pickem'.

    Some have difficulty identifying a cult because it is not so
    easy to identify one that is not even religious. For this
    reason, over the years, different definitions of what actually
    is a cult have developed to make it easier when you know
    little about their beliefs.

    The different definitions:


    CULT - From the Latin "cultis" which denotes all that is
    involved in worship, ritual, emotion, liturgy and attitude.
    This definition actually denotes what we call denominations
    and sects and would make all religious movements a cult.

    [b]I've read this in the Watchtower before. Isn't it educational?[/b]


    [b]Don't you mean "profressed Christian" definition? Amirite? [/b]

    CULT - Any group which deviates from Biblical, orthodox,
    historical Christianity. e.i. They deny the Deity of Christ;
    His physical resurrection; His personal and physical return to
    earth and salvation by FAITH alone.

    [b]We are true Historical Christianity. This article was obviously written by a fat clergyman of Christendom.[/b]

    This definition only covers those groups which are cults
    within the Christian religion. It does not cover cults within
    other world religions such as Islam and Hinduism. Nor does it
    cover Psychological, Commercial or Educational cults which do
    not recognize the Bible as a source of reality.


    CULT - Any group which has a pyramid type authoritarian
    leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming
    from the person/persons at the top. The group will claim to be
    the only way to God; Nirvana; Paradise; Ultimate Reality; Full
    Potential, Way to Happiness etc, and will use thought reform
    or mind control techniques to gain control and keep their

    [b]Mind control? Like Satan's control of this system? JW's are truly the only ones free of such Satanic cult-like influences![/b]

    This definition covers cults within all majopr world
    religions, along with those cults which have no OBVIOUS
    religious base such as commercial, educational and
    psychological cults. Others may define these a little
    differently, but this is the simplest to work from.


    A group is called a cult because of their behaviour - not
    their doctrines. Doctrine is an issue in the area of
    Apologetics and Heresy. Most religious cults do teach what the
    Christian church would declare to be heresy but some do not.
    Some cults teach the basics of the Christian faith but have
    behavioural patterns that are abusive, controlling and cultic.

    [b]Abusive, like those paedo Catholic priests? Am I not glad not to be involved in such things in Jehovah's organization![/b]

    This occurs in both Non-Charismatic and Charismatic churches.
    These groups teach the central doctrines of the Christian
    faith and then add the extra authority of leadership or
    someone's particular writings. They centre around the
    interpretations of the leadership and submissive and
    unquestioning acceptance of these is essential to be a member
    of good standing. This acceptance includes what we consider
    non-essential doctrines e.i. not salvation issues (such as
    the Person and Work of Christ.) The key is that they will be
    using mind control or undue influence on their members.

    [b]Additional doctrines, like hellfire, life after death, or the existence of paid clergy? LOL![/b]

    An excellent book on this subject is "Churches that Abuse" by
    Dr Ronald Enroth.

    Using these guidelines of definition, Bible-based,
    Psychological, Educational and Commercial aberrations can
    easily be identified.


    (a) The group will have an ELITIST view of itself in relation to
    everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL -
    everyone else is in apostasy.

    [b]Well, don't you expect people to think their religion is right and others are wrong? What would be the point otherwise?[/b]

    (b) They will promote their cause actively, and in doing so, abuse
    God-given personal rights and freedoms. This abuse can be


    1. Their leader/s may claim a special, exclusive ministry, revelation or
    position of authority given by God.

    2. They believe they are the only true church and take a critical stance
    regarding the Christian church while at the same time praising and
    exalting their own group, leader/s and work.

    3. They use intimidation or psychological manipulation to keep members
    loyal to their ranks. This could be in the form of threats of dire
    calamity sent by God if they leave; certain death at Armageddon;
    being shunned by their family and friends etc. This is a vital
    part of the mind control process.

    4. Members will be expected to give substantial financial support to
    the group. This could be compulsory tithing (which is checked);
    signing over all their property on entering the group; coercive
    methods of instilling guilt on those who have not contributed;
    selling magazines, flowers or other goods for the group as part of
    their "ministry".

    [b]No collections at the meetings, unlike in the churches of Christendom![/b]

    At the same time bible-based cults may ridicule churches that take
    up free-will offerings by passing collection plates and/or sell
    literature and tapes. They usually brag that they don't do this. This
    gives outsiders the intimation that they are not interested in money.

    5. There will be great emphasis on loyalty to the group and its
    teachings. The lives of members will be totally absorbed into the
    group's activities. They will have little or no time to think for
    themselves because of physical and emotional exhaustion. This is
    also a vital part of the mind control process.

    6. There will be total control over almost all aspects of the private
    lives of members. This control can be direct through communal
    living, or constant and repetitious teaching on "how to be a true
    Christian" or "being obedient to leadership". Members will look to
    their leaders for guidance in everything they do.

    7. Bible-based cults may proclaim they have no clergy/laity
    distinction and no paid ministry class - that they are all equal.

    [b]I think this article may be implicating us! But at least they admit we are "Bible-based"! Even they can't deny that![/b]

    8. Any dissent or questioning of the group's teachings is discouraged.
    Criticism in any form is seen as rebellion. There will be an
    emphasis on authority, unquestioning obedience and submission.
    This is vigilantly maintained.

    9. Members are required to demonstrate their loyalty to the group in
    some way. This could be in the form of "dobbing" on fellow members
    (including family) under the guise of looking out for their
    "spiritual welfare".

    They may be required to deliberately lie (heavenly deception) or
    give up their lives by refusing some form of medical treatment.

    10. Attempts to leave or reveal embarrassing facts about the group may
    be met with threats. Some may have taken oaths of loyalty that
    involve their lives or have signed a "covenant" and feel threatened by

    Refugees of the group are usually faced with confrontations by
    other members with coercion to get them to return to the


    They adopt a "groupness" mentality. They are not permitted to
    think for themselves apart from the group and only accept what
    they are told.

    Relationships with friends, relatives, spouses, children,
    parents etc are broken or seriously hampered.

    [b]But following the Bible's guidance strengthens families![/b]

    Pressure to give all you can to the group. In non-communal
    groups, members usually live at the lower socio-economic strata,
    not because of a lower income level, but because they are always
    giving money to the group for some reason.

    Isolation from the community in general. Anyone and
    everything outside the group is seen as "of the devil" or
    "unenlightened" etc. Their enemies now include former friends;
    the Christian church; governments; education systems; the media
    - the world in general. Those who are involved with these in any
    way see such involvement as a "means to an end".

    [b]No, we love the people in the world! That's why we spend so much time knocking on the doors trying to convert them so they don't die at Armageddon![/b]
    The group controls and uses almost all the members time and
    energy in group activities. They are usually in a constant
    state of mental and physical exhaustion.

    They must unquestioning submit to the groups teachings and
    directions and their own free will is broken. Their "will"
    actually becomes the groups "will" without their realizing it.
    This is done either by coercive methods including low protein diets
    and lack of sleep, or over a period of time through
    intimidation. Both methods make heavy use of "guilt".



    Relatives will say they no longer recognize the person.

    From a warm, loving personality will come heaped abuse, rejection and
    feelings of hate. The cult member sees himself as "righteous" in
    comparison and this comes across in their attitude toward all outsiders.


    They cannot see themselves as individuals apart from the group.
    Some even change their name as a rejection of their former life.


    Any time you say anything negative about the group, whether
    justified or no, it is regarded as "persecution". Any criticism of
    the individual is also seen as persecution only because they are the
    "true Christian" or "enlightened" one - not because they, as an
    individual, have done the wrong thing. However, at the same time they
    will feel free to criticise whatever you believe, say and do because
    they are "the only ones who are right".


    They lose their ability to socialize outside the group. This can
    go so far as to not being able to structure their time or make simple
    decisions for themselves when they leave.

    [b]We have plenty of social activity inside Jehovah's organization. People in the world don't have friends/[/b]

    Their world-view alters and they perceive the world through their
    leaders eyes. They become very naive about life in general.


    They are made to feel guilty of everything they did before entering
    the group and are to strive to be "good" and "worthy" for "eternal
    life". Misdemeanors are made into "mountains" so that members are in a
    constant state of guilt for infringing even the most minor rules. Guilt
    comes because they aren't doing enough; entertaining doubts or
    questions; even thinking rationally for oneself.

    This guilt is piled upon pile with new rules constantly
    being laid down about what is sinful and what is not. Illness may be
    seen as lack of faith - more guilt. Emotional illness may be seen as
    proof of sin in your life - more guilt.

    [b]Christ's ransom sacrifice takes away our sin and our guilt.[/b]


    Not all these points will be found in every cult, but
    all cults will have some if not most of them, although these may vary to
    some degree.

    [b]All true of all cults, and it's a pity that they seem to propagate the misconception that we're a cult. This false Christian writer has a hidden agenda against God's organization[/b]

    Copyright 1985 Jan Groenveld
    Freedom In Christ, PO Box 2444, Mansfield, 4122, Australia

  • stapler99

    (My comments were surrounded by '[b]' and '[/b]'. Sorry for the excess in posts.)

  • BluesBrother

    Sure they would read it without ever thinking that they were in a cult... The thinking would either be that it applies to everybody else but themselves, or that the article was the product of Babylon the Great , inspired by Satan and designed to discredit "Jehovah's people"

    An alcoholic can read of the symptoms of the condition and still think, "Thats not me"

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