Mommy,your right that is a nice post!
Must See Post!
by mommy 30 Replies latest jw friends
He was my brother. He was only 27.
That was sort of a mean trick, Lauralisa. I didn't see that one coming.
I don't know exactly what the 'issue' is you are referencing, but it's clear that in the case of your dear brother, the WTS was very ineffective in treating the 'whole man' (for the lack of a better expression). Despite its claims of having the truth and being used by the One True God as his personal spokesman for all of mankind, it's very evident that such claims are totally baseless.
Jehovah's Witnesses are just another religion... nothing more, nothing less. The sooner a person realizes that simple truth the better off they'll be. Join up if you want. Be a loyal member if that's what makes you happy. Just don't expect your life to be any better than anyone else's. And don't use its views as the standards by which to measure your worth.
tj -
Laura, thank you for posting this (and Mommy, thank you for bringing it up once again). Life as a JW can initially, I believe, hold many rewards....especially for a person who wants to do some good in the world. You feel that you are part of something much bigger than yourself (after all, how much bigger can you get than being a personal representative of the Creator of the Universe?)
After awhile, however, you are faced with the reality that no matter how much you do, it is never is never "good enough". The WTBTS just keeps pushing for more, more, more. No one can live up to the standards completely, and unless you do, you are always on the edge. "Will I be good enough to survive? Will I be good enough to enable my children to survive, or will they perish because I can't make the grade?"
The only truly acceptable activities are geared to salesmanship....and many of us weren't good salesmen....myself included. I spent many nights contemplating how I would accomplish my demise, since I knew I wasn't "good enough". I attempted it at least once, and I actually asked an elder for help, and called a "friend" in the congregation because I was afraid of what I intended to do that night. In both cases, I was rebuffed. The elder told me "It wouldn't look good to the world for a brother to be in a single sister's apartment, so I can't help you." My "friend" told me she was just "too busy" that night. I didn't accomplish my purpose, I just ended up making myself horribly sick.
The pain never left, however, until I left the "truth". Life isn't easy, but I can face it positively and with joy.....feelings I never had as a Witness, when I was supposedly one of the "happiest people on Earth".
Funny how so many of the "happiest people on Earth", drink too much, take too many pills, have too many illnesses, and are just generally gloomy.
Hey lauralisa
I am so sorry to hear about your brother. (((((cyberhugs)))))) I would like to add some thoughts to this subject as well. So many have suffered as you said from depression or other types of psychological illnesses. I remember going to assemblies and seeing young woman layed out in their lawn chairs, thinking how sad they are sick but still coming. I guess I was a weird child, because I always went to visit those who were down there and couldn't get up and fellowship. When I got there they were normal looking(no physical abnormalities) and they would discuss with my father, who usually was with me, the diseases they had. CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome, was one that stuck out in my mind, many were afflicted with this. Or chronic back pain, which most in the medical field know usually originates from mental upset.I liked the point you made that when an article is written about it, this just seems to exacerabte the symptoms, or increases the numbers of ones inflicted. Or perhaps, there are so many witnesses that want to know what is wrong with them, that they are longing for a diagnosis to their feelings. Any name will do, any diagnosis, just to give them a feeling that there is something tangibly wrong.
I often think of the times I forced a smile, or pushed down my feelings so that others would not know I was miserable. Little by little burying a part of myself so I would fit in with the rest of the happy people. I wonder how many others were like me, and how many smiles were fake, how much stress must be in everyone lives. But we were not allowed to show it were we? No we had to put on a front and be happy
I wonder now how many active JW's are really happy. My guess is not many, especially those who doubt the doctrines. And I don't think there really is a solution to this problem. The org will continue to force feed paradise wrapped up in a tight little box, and those who just don't get it will be left outside to fend for themselves. Unless there are major changes to their oulook on mental health, and allowing others to accept outside help, such as AA, Al_Anon, or any other self help program. I know this problem will continue.
It is taught the world is bad and the org is good, don't accept anything outside of our views. And many people take pills to mask the symptoms, but do not try to address the problem. So much can be accomplished just by talking to someone who will listen and not judge. But the society frowns on counselling, last I heard anyway. Because this will open a person's mind, and allow them to get in touch with the root of the matter. And I know the JW mindest is programmed to not accept outside opinions, so if one did go to counselling they will not fully disclose all to them. Mostly in part to the counsel of not giving jehovah a bad name. So again they bury themselves living their lives, for another, and forget about themselves. They don't have time to love themselves, and life is not good when you can't do that.
Okay, enough rambling LOL It is the reason I left, it is all about love. And you will not find it taught from the org, not real love that they profess to have.
wendyBlind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins
A lot of depressed souls, wearing taped on smiles, striving to be better witnesses, need to read and think about your post. Thanks
A lot of depressed souls, wearing taped on smiles, striving to be better witnesses, need to read and think about your post. Thanks
"I took down all of the post-it notes around my tiny apartment reminding me that my children needed their mother alive....."
THAT is quite the accomplishment Laura. {{hugs4allofyou}}
And I agree with teejay, that was a hardball you threw there girlfriend. One that if you aren't looking, hits you right in the gut. Ouch! I'm okay though. As I know you are too, now.
"...Separation from the controlling fear tactics has given me the ability to look at the very real, entirely legitimate credibility issues that exist regarding it... issues that are blatant and in need of exposure."
May the Force be with you Laura.
Sincerely, sKally
Bravo Lauralisa. Very well said.
Bridgette -
Thank you for sharing your story LL. I am in tears as I write this. Basically because I know what you went through. Depression was/is? a close companion of mine and has been for years. I still struggle occasionally, but like you, have realized my spirituality is MINE...not based on my friends, church organization, or anyone else. My relationship with God is MINE. It is a relief in many ways! To not have to rely on someone else to dictate what God is saying. He speaks to me through my conscience. He allows me to make my own decisions - good and bad.
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. I hope to god that my brother (who recently went through a JC) doesn't have to go through what I went through when I was DFed. It scares me to death!!! Watching him go through that pain will hurt my heart more than what I went through.
I'm thankful for your experience lauralisa - not just for the wisdom you've attained, but for the comfort of knowing you care for us enough to share your heart. A heartfelt thank you!
What a wonderful post!! I could really relate to Lauralisa's trials!! I felt like a new person after I left the the "borg", I too had undergone some "therapy" before my departure from the " truth".