Oh, sorry didn't finish my point. This Chenin Blanc is kicking in I think.. :-)
So a few things he said gave me the indication that the WT72 "prophet" article I think is dismissed by elders because of the quotation marks. They didn't really mean they WERE a false prophet. Only that they were LIKE a false prophet. Or something.
Issue Number 2.... Incorrect Predictions.
by hotchocolate 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
Great topic. This is what convinced me to disassociate myself from this false religion. Some thoughts of my own ...
Galatians 1:8 says it best.
"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!"
So, what gospel does the WTBTS preach? Well, in my nine years as a Jehovah's Witness, we strongly preach that Jehovah is the true
name of God, Jesus Christ was Michael, the Archangel, and that 144,000 anointed Jehovah's Witnesses go to Heaven - don't ask ...
they just KNOW. Trust me on this. I can't show you any scriptures that prove this. Also, that faith without works is no faith at all, so
get your TEN HOURS of service time every month! Salvation is conditional - follow what the WTBTS teaches and you have a pretty
good chance of making it to the New System. Jehovah will destroy all non-Jehovah Witnesses too!
I'm so ashamed I was part of this horrible organization. Thankfully, I never gave a Bible study to lead anyone into it.
- sacolton
The strangest thing about these predictions that keep on failing thing is that JW's still carry on as though it hasn't made any difference. I know it's all about mind-control and a whole lot of psychology issues are involved but sooooooooo frustrating.
Not to hijack this great thread, but it is important to note that the WTBTS assets are over one Billion dollars. Not too shabby for an organization that proclaims to be "meek". I guess those rectangular buildings are expensive to build in 3rd world countries.
2 pe. 2:1 warns us about false prophets and false teachers.
Notice the "know Jehovah" book, chapter 4 paragraph 7:
"Although Ezekiel did not know it at the time that he was commissioned to be Jehovah’s prophet, the city of Jerusalem was to be destroyed by the Babylonians just six years later, in 607 B.C.E. Ever since Ezekiel’s former acquaintance, Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah the priest, was raised up back there in Jerusalem in the year 647 B.C.E., in the thirteenth year of the reign of King Josiah of Jerusalem, that city and the nation of Judah had been in their time of the end. (Jeremiah 1:1-3; 25:10, 11) In the right timing of things we today should look for the modern-day counterpart of Ezekiel as a type or prophetic figure in the "time of the end" in which we now find ourselves. Modern historians are agreed that an era ended in the year 1914 C.E., the year in which World War I began its violent, destructive course of more than four years and three months. What those historians do not take into account is that, according to the Holy Bible, the "times of the Gentiles" ended in early autumn of that very year of 1914. (Luke 21:24, AV) Since then we have been in the world’s "time of the end.""
Then paragraph 24:
"Why, though, are all these facts of history brought to our attention? It is to show the fulfillment of prophecy. Jehovah has found and commissioned his modern-day "Ezekiel." It is a composite Ezekiel. It is composed of those dedicated, baptized proclaimers of God’s kingdom, who have been anointed with His spirit for their work. (Isaiah 61:1-3) It is manifest that in the year 1919 the invisible heavenly organization of Jehovah, like the celestial chariot seen in Ezekiel’s vision, rolled up and stopped, not before Christendom’s advocates of the League of Nations, but before the anointed proclaimers of the heavenly kingdom of God in the hands of Jesus Christ. From atop this celestial chariotlike organization Jehovah commissioned this dedicated, baptized, anointed class of servants to speak to all the nations in His name. Thus, like Ezekiel, they became Jehovah’s witnesses. It was most fitting that, after twelve years of worldwide activity as such, they embraced the distinguishing name Jehovah’s witnesses, in the summer of 1931, and that in connection with the publishing of the book Vindication."
They don't or never have claimed to be prophets my a**. You can look this up right on there cd rom...
(Credit goes to Leolaia) http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/95053/1.ashx (Scroll down) Are JWs false prophets? Compare these three quotes:
***w591/15p.39DownwiththeOld -- UpwiththeNew!***
People should listen to the plain preaching by the remnant prefigured by Jeremiah, for these preach to men the present-day fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecies. Who made them a prophet to speak with the authority that they claim? Well, who made Jeremiah a prophet? .... He did not make himself a prophet. He could not have done so, especially since he was set apart to be a prophet before he was born. Still he could of his own accord agree to and submit to serving as a prophet when told of the vocation for which he was marked out.... Came the year 1919, and the work of witnessing to the nations in fulfillment of Jesus' words was still there to do. It faced all men who claimed to follow and obey Jesus. In that opening year for postwar decisions and work the question of highest importance to Christendom and to all who called themselves Christians was, not, Should all nations get together in a peace league -- but, Who will be Jehovah's prophet to the nations, to speak to them everything that He should command? Who will be the modern Jeremiah?....
The fact that decides the answer to the question is, not, Do all the clergy of Roman Catholicism and of Protestantism agree that Jehovah's witnesses have been and are God's prophet to the nations -- but, Who discerned the divine will for Christians in this time of the world's end and offered themselves to do it? Who have undertaken God's foreordained work for this day of judgment of the nations? Who have answered the call to the work and have done it down till this year 1958? Whom has God actually used as his prophet? By the historical facts of the case Christendom is beaten back in defeat. Jehovah's witnesses are deeply grateful today that the plain facts show that God has been pleased to use them. Scans: http://www.imagger.com/view/156591_scan-10001.jpg.html http://www.imagger.com/view/884479_scan-10001.jpg.html http://www.imagger.com/view/503395_scan-10001.jpg.html
***g68 10/8 p. 23 A Time to 'Life Your Head' in Confident Hope***
True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end to the world," even announcing a specific date. Some have gathered groups of people with them and fled to the hills or withdrawn into their houses waiting for the end. Yet, nothing happened. The "end" did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying . Why? What was missing? Missing was the full measure of evidence required in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them. Scan: http://www.imagger.com/view/700641_scan-10001.jpg.html
Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. Because of this, some have called them false prophets. Never in these instances, however, did they presume to originate predictions "in the name of Jehovah." Never did they say, "These are the words of Jehovah." TheWatchtower, the official journal of Jehovah's Witnesses, has said: "We have not the gift of prophecy." (January 1883, page 425).....They are voicing expectations based on their own interpretation of some scripture text or physical event. They do not claim that their predictions are direct revelations from Jehovah and that in this sense they are prophesying in Jehovah's name. Hence, in such cases, when their words do not come true, they should not be viewed as false prophets such as those warned against at Deuteronomy 18:20-22. In their human fallibility, they misinterpreted matters. Scan: http://www.imagger.com/view/4078_scan-10001.jpg.html
Cheers! Atlantis-
This is THE issue that drove us to start our own research, which led to my wife and I disassociating ourselves in 1989. What I realized was that the watchtower requires absolute belief in, and acceptance of, every single word they say. If you disagree in any way you are subject to a JC. Yet, if they are caught saying something blatantly false they fall back on "we never said we're prophets, we're just a group of Godly men etc etc"
Well, which is it?
Having concluded that it can't be both, and since they won't for one second back off on the absolute obedience, we left.
Nice work Double Oh 7. I only did 5 regular. I'm impressed.. LOL Let's compare pio stories sometime. Bet I can whip your butt... :-P
COGNAC great research girl. I missed the Ezekiel analogy altogether.. thank you! :-)
And Atlantis/Leolaia fantastic! I'm CD-ROMing all this stuff to favourites. Quotes that I can find on the current CD-ROM are perfect. Cause of course anything that isn't on there has automatically been tampered with...
Thanks for your support BTW.. I'm not getting much right now..
x -
Good topic Hotchocolate,
For any interested in this subject an absolutely brilliant thread was started in June '03 by MacHislop,
(the most unappreciated poster on this board). You will be amazed by his research and the composition
of his post. Truly a must read, as are all his posts.
Aw, HotChocolate - all the thinking! Welcome to the fresh air where your brain is appreciated!