On shunning

by joelbear 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    On shunning.

    The Watchtower basically points to two reasons to shun people:

    1) It will make the wrongdoer think about their course of life and help them to come back to "the truth".

    2) It will protect your faith in Jehovah and will keep you from being stumbled.

    I think there are really 2 other reasons.

    1) Fear of being shunned themselves for associating with you.

    2) To punish you for not thinking or being like them anymore. Kind of a revenge thing. You hurt them by disagreeing with them or by living your life the way you want to and this is a very effective way of getting back at you.

    Jehovah's Witnesses of course will not talk about the latter two.


  • nytelecom1

    get over it

  • ianao

    Yes, for once I agree with nytelecom1. Their are better ways to waste your life than worrying about mindless clucks.

  • joelbear


    My friendships are too important to me. Once I love someone, I will always love them, I don't "get over" friendships.


  • Nicolas

    I would add that they try to make us believe that we are the one who lived (the outsider) and if we are shunned, it is our fault. But instead, it is their choice to shun us and and they punished themselve because they don't have the freedom to do what they want.

  • nytelecom1

    i always get to do what i want.....for example
    I like to shun former dubs who have a total reliance
    on the approval of others and are constant sympathy seekers.

  • outnfree


    Good for you! I don't "get over" friendships, either! I would welcome back into my life most any JW with whom I have had contact (there were just a teeny few who creeped me out, so perhaps not them).

    1) It will make the wrongdoer think about their course of life and help them to come back to "the truth".

    This is where the Watch Tower Society is so misguided. A person who has sat in front of a judicial committee for 2 or more times has already had occasion to think about his/her 'course of life'. The elders who sit on said committee are ill-equipped to help them see the error of their ways (more so than I had realized before reading ex-elder experiences here and portions of the 'Flock' book).

    -- If the wrongdoer expresses repentance and it is not accepted and they are DF'd, that will not 'help them to come back to "the truth".'

    -- If the wrongdoer has not been led to repentance during the three on one sessions with the elders when discussing the situation, being adrift with no one to speak to about spiritual matters (especially their closest friends and relatives) will not 'help them come back to "the truth"' even if the person later feels remorse.

    -- If the 'wrongdoer' is just someone bucking the system or exposing the Society's hypocrisy, shunning them will not 'help them come back to "the truth".' (But it will punish the shunnee and effectively fence them and their ideas, attitude or facts, out of the congregation.)

    2) It will protect your faith in Jehovah and will keep you from being stumbled.

    -- See my last point above.

    -- "la la la...." is NOT a good way to be protecting one's faith.
    One's faith in Jehovah should be PERSONAL and not dependent on anybody else's opinions, rather it should WITHSTAND anybody else's opinions. Faith is a conscious decision to believe in something not always evident. (Even Hebrews 11:1 says it's "the assured expectation of things hoped for...")

    -- Personally, I was stumbled more by the elders' unloving, cold attitude toward a DF'd sister facing a life-threatening illness who had two minor children (one of whom was trying very hard to stay 'regular' all on her own), than I would have been by any sin short of murder that she committed. These men are supposed to be LOVING SHEPHERDS!!!! Sometimes I wonder how they sleep at night knowing that Jehovah is going to 'judge them with the same measuring rod that they judge others' (paraphrased).

    And, of course, the lack of love did nothing to 'help [the DF'd sister] come back to "the truth".'

    As for your two other reasons, joelbear?

    1) Fear of being shunned themselves for associating with you

    There were very few people I would have risked my congregational standing for during all the years I was associated with the "Friends".
    That's because I had no relatives in (at least locally) and only TWO true friends. The rest were 'brothers and sisters' but really only 'acquaintances' or 'co-workers.' I don't think this is unusual.

    2) To punish you for not thinking or being like them anymore. Kind of a revenge thing. You hurt them by disagreeing with them or by living your life the way you want to and this is a very effective way of getting back at you.

    Petty, but true. The underlying reason for the punishment/revenge being that they were never really your TRUE 'Friends' to begin with!

    Alternatively, many would like to be as strong or courageous as the one who is now free of WT control, so there is resentment that you are gone and they are still in lock-step with an organization that constantly tells them they are not good enough. By making you small, they make themselves big. Or, at least it feels that way to them...
    If the Society itself can't bully you into conformity, they will at least individually beat you up emotionally if they can.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • peaceloveharmony

    nyt, shut the hell up

    so i should just get over it that my sis and bro no longer speak to me? hmmm, okay whatever. i think i have gotten "over it" by the fact that i have a full life and great friends but you know it just really sucks ass that my own flesh and blood decide i'm not good enough for them because of some dumbasses in brooklyn.

    you can be a real insensitive jerk at times.

    i hope you find peace, obviously the jws aren't doing it for ya otherwise you'd be too busy to be here.

    much love

    Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley

  • peaceloveharmony

    okay, sorry nyt for telling you to shut up. you can say whatever you want, public forum and all. it's just frustrating to see that you don't seem to get the point of this post. anyway, joel, you are right, your second two points are the REAL reasons behind the shunning. and it's so sad. but life does go on and i've have moved on and filled my life with real friends who love me unconditionally. but my heart holds in it sadness for the friends and family members i've lost due to the fact that i made a mistake at 15 and got baptized. i've always tried to have the attitude that it's their loss, they are the ones choosing to shun me.

    outnfree, great post!!!!


    Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley

  • Gopher

    Heartless NYTelcom: You'll make a fine elder someday. [8>]

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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