Thanks one and all for the excellent input. I have learned more about my gal and thought it might shed more light on this subject. She was disfellowshipped twice relating to relationships she has had with non-JW's. She has been married twice. One when she was only 18 and the second was plagued with physical abuse and ended with a final divorce decree six months ago. Both men were not JW's. She told me the elders had a problem with her because she insisted that her relationships were none of their business and they can't control who she falls in love with. Hmmm... sounds like a pretty independent minded JW girl to me.
We have talked a lot more about doctrinal differences and she is willing to hear me out and has expressed genuine curiosity in examining the scriptural basis for my position. The lights went on when I pointed out the absurdity of a religious group formed in the 1900's claiming that they alone have the truth and all other "christians" are wrong. I asked her what Jehovah had been doing for the hundreds of years before- was HE not capable of preserving His truth and his believers all that time? She told me that she thought there were a lot of good people in other faiths and she rejected the idea that these people who love God, like me, would be destroyed. She was a little harsh on Catholics because of all of the scandals with pedophile priests. I then pointed out the JW settlement of a case involving similar child abuses by JW Elders and the NBC show on the subject. She had no idea (of course) and was quite surprised. I tell her these things with gentleness and love, pointing out that there are undoubtedly some bad apples in every faith.
I may be slightly delusional because she is such a great gal and I have such strong feelings for her, but I really think I can make a difference in this woman's life. She has never had a spirit filled believer as a friend or paramour. Apparently, she has already refused to drink all of the JW Koolaid and she has said that she's not afraid of being disfellowshipped again, if the Elders are upset that she is dating Mr. Kryptonite.
I've been praying about this a lot lately and I think with love and patience, I might be able to help her break free from the JW bonds.