It seems that there are a lot of witlesses that opt to home school their children. I had a family in my former congregation that did that, because the kids did not want to be around worldly people (sounds familiar?). It also seems that they are speeding things up, so the children can get out there and pioneer that much sooner.
Now, there are sometimes good reasons to home school. The most obvious is if the child is a special need child, perhaps with a physical disability that stops them from going to a public school. Other good reasons might include a curriculum that is not doing a decent job, too much crime in public schools, or a child that absolutely refuses for whatever reason to go to school. But, it does come with a cost. You, as the parent, are still subject to the rules that the administration puts out. You cannot, for instance, teach your child in a fully integrated manner if the school board dictates a disjointed approach (that doesn't stop a parent from supplementing the disjointed material with full integration, however). You also incur time costs and cost of materials.
There are other problems with home schooling. Parents might be able to teach the basics, but probably will not be able to properly teach the children to fit in with society. Children are often left out of class trips, holiday parties, and many of the teaching aids that are found only in the classroom. (However, these days the Internet is closing some of that gap.) Parents must also be objective in schoolwork, not giving grades that the children do not deserve (either higher or lower ones), And, if both parents have to work, that is going to create major difficulty.
Of course, the witlesses add other problems. Witless children that are home schooled are usually taught out of the littera-trash. The Creation book is a prime example of a science book you do not want. Articles in the Asleep! are very poorly written, and almost always lack proper references when discussing something that is going to affect your life (and they dissuade you from using independent sources like your search engine to find out more or back up what the magazine says). People taught like that are going to have serious problems in writing things like job applications and resumes, and they are going to be deficient in science and math (from some of the blatant math errors found in the littera-trash, it sounds like the Tower wants people to be mathematically illiterate).
To home school is a decision only a parent can make. However, one must objectively make sure the total cost is going to be less than the total benefit of doing so. And, do you really want your child to grow up to be a window washer?