Even though the bible does not condemn hunting watch them push their PERSONAL OPINION and trun it into Watchtower LAW.
Watchtower Dec 1 2007 p.31 "How should Christians view Hunting?" {Do we need to ask!} "The bible does not condemn hunting or fishing.." {Great leave it there..no need to push personal thoughts on brothers, right?} ".....The Apostles who were fisherman were likely gratified by a good catch. Yet, there is no indication that they bragged about their prowess at fishing or hunting or that they went fishing or hunting to compete with others, to prove their manhood, or to have the thrill of the chase, the fight, or the kill." {What???} ".....ask ourselves....Does hunting or fishing dominate my thinking and conversations? Does my way of life reflect the hunting culture, or does it show I am a Minister of God? Some who hunt or fish for food may feel justified in putting aside spiritual matters during hunting and fishing seasons. However, we show faith and trust in God when we do not let anything take priority of his interests."
What about proffesional Fisherman or Eskimo's or some African brothers who need to hunt at certain seasons to provide for their families? Sorry, trust in Jehovah and don't miss meetings and field service! Also, any Brothers who say "the fish was this BIG," may find the Elders giving him some personal discipline. These personal opinions in the Watchtower are a disgrace, the writter should be ashamed!