There is a wealth of witnesses on myspace that are just itching for a fight! LOTS of them. Very ripe field! Little bastards have some attitude as well!
Here's my latest pm back with this one. paradiseisgodsplan
please, cognitive dissonance at its best.
You say that you are gods chosen organization yet then you say you've been WRONG in the past. If your gods channel you wouldn't be wrong EVER. You might not understand but you wouldn't be WRONG. You can't give me that line about the "light getting brighter" the light gets brighter not righter. Jesus's followers were not teaching things that were WRONG they were merely off on the specifics. Jehovah's witnesses have TOTALLY changed their beliefs again and again. If you began teaching what the witnesses believed in the 80's you would be considered an apostate. Same with the 70's or 60's or 50's or whatever. THIS IS NOT HOW JESUS TAUGHT!
Saying, 'well Jesus said his followers would be persecuted' doesn't fly. Your beliefs are totally WRONG this sets you up for ridicule and disdain. You then take that ridicule and say "were being persecuted" well no, no your not. Your simply believing ridiculous things and reaping the inevitable consequences of that. For example the scientologist believe that alien souls were transported to earth billions of years ago and dropped into volcanoes by spaceships that looked like D-9's. So they are ridiculed for believing stupidity. Does that make the stupidity RIGHT?
You believe in a global flood. The evidence AGAINST a global flood is massive and incontrovertible. Therefore you are open to ridicule. That does not make you right.
You believe that jerusalem was destroyed in 607. Any encyclopedia will easily show that it wasn't. There are over 10000 that's TEN THOUSAND stone documents from that time that clearly date that fall to 586/587. Not only that but if you add up the dates in your own books you will come to that date. But then 1914 doesn't work so they LIE to you about it. This sets you up for more ridicule. That doesn't make you right...
You believe that blood transfusions are wrong. Based on the mosaic law yet you also believe that Jesus came to do away with that law so were not under that anymore. Also the blood was the SYMBOL of life. It was NOT more important than life. What was the punishment for eating blood if it was a choice between starvation and eating blood? You would be unclean until evening! What did Paul say about going out to the market and finding meat that wasn't bled right? He said "don't impose your conscience on others just eat it..." So your religion tells you you should lose your life rather than violate the SYMBOL for life in CLEAR VIOLATION of the bible. So your ridiculed. That does not make you right.
Your beliefs are silly and easily disproved and that sets you up for 'persecution' that doesn't make you right...