can anyone quote me any literarature on lying being alright , does it not matter about lying to worldlys as they are considered evil anyway . when i used to study i remember hearing many times "i cannot tell a lie ,i am a jehovahs witness "( this was usually said by people who everyone knew told lies ) when i hear jw talk now about how marvelous they are it makes me want to vomit .
am i right in thinking that jws can lie under certain crcumstances ?
by looloo 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Mr. Majestic
I don’t know if this is what you might be after but there is the case in C of C with regards to Malawi and Mexico, the fact that you could lie in Mexico.
They call it "Theocratic Warfare Strategy" and it ranges anywhere from stretching the truth, to bold face lies.
Look in the Aid book or here
Mrs. Witness
I also think it's in the custody battle book, if someone could post the link again.
Yes they can and I remember hearing it discussed as being alright for JW's to do.
Yes, I think it's in the Aid book, under honesty, or something other than lies. I remember looking for it about 25 years ago, while still a dub, and not being able to find it very easily.
It defines a lie as "an untruth told to someone who has the right to the information".
does that mean i have no rights to the truth as a worldly (in their eyes ) im considered a trouble maker , i believe as i got a pioneer to run off with me ,and an elder fell for me and didnt want the "repentant " pioneer back at meetings till he got over me , they defo must think satan controls me!!!! not to mention the child abuse situation , i bet they wish i would clear off (im now married to that ex pioneer
am i right in thinking that jws can lie under certain crcumstances ?
"Certain circumstances" would generally mean when their mouths are moving.
OUTLAW, help me out here bro.
Barbie Doll
JWs will lie, to keep you in there group. What ever it takes.