A witness just informed me about a couple that we know who had their assembly recently, and it was announced at the private elder's meeting that there will be a special meeting with all the elders in the US in Patterson. It was mentioned that we are now living "In the End of End of Times" and that the UN is talking about prohibiting religions. Has anyone heard of this???
IMPORTANT: Elders Mtg at Patterson
by confusa 46 Replies latest jw friends
I don't see topic.
Sounds like the JW rumor mill is working full tilt...
The Society is going to have a new teaching program for all elders. From what I understand, these schools were going to be at Bethel for all US elders. That's probably the "special meeting" that your contact was talking about.
As far as JWs are concerned, they've been teaching that they've been living in the "Time of the End" since 1914 for decades. That's nothing new. As for the "End of the End", the leadership has always tried to instill a sense of urgency in the rank and file to keep them busy and distracted from reality. It's ironic...and frustrating...how the WTS will use the rumor mill to promote that the "End" is so close, but in writing they'll hedge their bets by saying that no one knows the hour.
The UN banning religions has been a JW urban myth since I was a little...and that was a few decades ago. Other fundamentalists have rumored the same thing. No basis in fact or logic.
Soon we will be living in the end of the end of the end times.
Doesn't the elders school start in February in 2008; starting with the POs? Could this info have been twisted by those out of the loop?
I remember back in the 80's, a fellow commented at the Watchtower that he had just returned from Brooklyn, and all the talk was about how the UN was on the verge of banning religion. They were just working out the logistics.
Another JW urban myth.
I doubt that the UN will successfully ban religion. There are many countries with official religions these days, and they would start a riot if they banned religion. And I doubt, with all the legal doubletalk by the Watchtower Society, that they will be banned either.
Instead of banning religion, they should expose it. When people see the fully integrated facts, they see how much of religion is a smokescreen. And that goes double for the Watchtower Society, since they not only are based on a Bible that glorifies a value-destroying God, but they don't even follow it as they claim.
They ALWAYS bring up how the UN will eventually ban religion. They've used this bit for as long as I can remember. It's extremely stupid though... Even if the UN wanted to, it would be completely un-enforcable, nevermind the fact that the UN has been superceded in power and initiative by the US/Britian world power.
It's so obvious what they are up to with their fear mongering tactics to keep JW's in a state of anticipation. It's a tried and tested formula that has kept on working since the WT began.
real one
correct.didnt they have relations with the un anyway ..so now i guess they(un) are the enemy...wow