Transcript of U.S. v. Rutherford, et al.?

by Olin Moyles Ghost 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Over the past few months, I have been researching the WT Society's doctrines and history. In doing so, I have tried to use as little so-called "apostate" material as possible. This is because (as we are all aware) Witnesses are taught to fear apostate literature, and if I ever hope to enlighten any of my loved ones, I am not going to be able to do so by waving a copy of CoC in their faces. I agree that the Society's paranoia re: "apostate" literature is absurd, but the fact of the matter is that most doubting JWs are still afraid of it. So, when I raise an issue, I like to have a neutral/unbiased source to back me up.

    I have found that some of the best sources for interesting facts about the Society/Rutherford/etc. are the old court cases. I have downloaded the Moyle case and the Scottish case from The Moyle case is fantastic. The testimony paints an interesting picture of the Judge. For example, how JFR was only a judge for 4 days, how he had an air-conditioned penthouse + a house on Staten Island + a house on the farm + Beth Sarim. There's also some discussion of JFR's post-Russell power play. You also have Fred Franz stating that Jehovah is the editor of the Watchtower. It's good stuff.

    Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has an electronic copy of the transcript of the Rutherford trial. I noticed that someone has put together a summary. That is helpful, but I would prefer to have a copy of the actual transcript. If anyone has an electronic copy or knows how to get one, I'm all ears (as Ross Perot said).


  • Leolaia

    I only have a hardcopy. There may have been a scan posted, Atlantis would be the one to know!

  • chasson

    The transcriptw of the Walsh Trial and Moyle trial in Pdf are here:

    Sorry i am on Firefox, copy and paste the link in your browser.



  • Atlantis


    I only have a hardcopy. There may have been a scan posted, Atlantis would be the one to know! ********************************************************************** The transcript of U.S. v. Rutherford is on the list that "Atlantis" has in front of him. He has 28 requests and every one of them are for books! Atlantis was scanning the "Reasoning" book when several requests for the "Proclaimers" book were received. So, he put the "Reasoning" book aside to scan the 1993 "Proclaimers" book for 9 researchers who have sent us requests. The "Proclaimers" book will be posted in a couple of days or so. N.

  • chasson

    Atlantis i have a copy of it too, if you want that i scan a part ?

  • Atlantis


    Thank you for the offer chasson! Researchers are asking for the "entire" file, so feel free if you want to take on that task. We would appreciate it!


  • bite me
    bite me

    You're doing exactly what I've been wanting to do. I just don't know where to start! How would a JW know if information is apostate or not? Most of the time people do not want to look at anything except those awake and WT magazines!

    I'm going to check back often to get ideas! I know what you mean about throwing a CoC in their face. I know (or have a great feeling) that they would not like or even look at ideas coming from that book. I'll be discret on that. If I am able to piece things together that is.

    As for those transcripts mentioned, what's the deal with those and would JW's take a look at that and not see it as apostate information?

  • AlphaOmega

    My take on evidence like this is to see if it has been mentioned on the WT CD in a positive light.

    If it has (like the Walsh trial) then it is surely fair game to be quoted to Witnesses.

  • VM44

    The Watchtower NEVER mentions the Olin Moyle case....becaue it LOST it!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Bite_me asked,

    As for those transcripts mentioned, what's the deal with those and would JW's take a look at that and not see it as apostate information?

    I think the biggest problem with the court cases is the sheer SIZE of the files involved - perhaps a thousand pages, maybe more in some cases! Court clerks HATE requests for copies of any huge file because it ties them up for days on end, copying each page. Sometimes they get sloppy, and they send out severely skewed pages that are nearly worthless. This, I think, is the biggest reason these cases haven't been more widely published.

    There are wacky dubs who will tell you that the telephone book is an apostate publication, but for anyone with half a brain - it is a transcript of a court proceeding, fer cryin' out loud! Could it be altered? Of course it could --- anything can be forged --- but to date not a single person has made a provable accusations that the content of any of these apostate reprints has been changed (and even human error not affecting content has NOT BEEN REPORTED). Why would an apostate even want to do such a thing, knowing the deception will be detected and publicized?

    Atlantis (and others of his noble tribe, some nameless) are doing "sacred service" by providing historically verifiable TRUTH --- proof of what the WTB&TS has belched out of it's blowhole through the years.

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