Evil friends & relatives......

by lavendar 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    When you were a JW......did you REALLY & TRULY believe all your non-JW relatives, friends & acquaintances were evil and under satan's influence.....as you were taught by the WTS? Did you buy that ridicules teaching....or did you deep down realize it was bunk?


  • snowbird

    I never bought it. Family and friendship are highly prized here in the South.


  • mrsjones5
    ....or did you deep down realize it was bunk?

    Always thought it was bunk, don't even think my parents believed it.


    I didn't believe that THEY were evil, but I did believe that everyone and every thing not associated with the organization was under Satan's control. Yeah, I believed that, and it's hard to believe now that I did.

  • lavendar

    I hope our grown son (who's currently being sucked into the WTS) doesn't buy it. He was raised in a very loving & caring family...and my husband & I have helped him financially and supported him through many hard times. I hope he doesn't actually believe the WTS's lie.


  • willdabeerman

    Actually yes I did. My parents went as far as telling me that the reason that my uncle and 2 aunts smoked were because they were under the influence of satan and the demons were forcing them to keep smoking.

  • jaguarbass

    I think the 3 years that I embrassed the truth 72-75, I thought that people had to be invited into the ark before armegeddon came and I was inviting them in like Noah.

    I think I thought that the world was occupying their time and causing them to fail to heed the message that I was so fortunate to be born into.

  • free2beme

    Not 100% of the time, but if they brought up something against the religion, I did.

  • MMae

    Bunk. Although I believed being JW was a definate plus.

  • Hortensia

    I recall liking worldly people, the people I worked with, for instance. I liked the kids at school when I was in high school. I think I just learned what the WT taught but never really thought about whether I believed it.

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