Has anyone else noticed something unusual going on...

by Qcmbr 17 Replies latest social current

  • Qcmbr

    A 'doomsday' seedbank - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_Global_Seed_Vault
    Renovations on camps potentially in preparation for disasters https://ca.

    Incredible removals of basic rights - the US is way ahead of the UK on this - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article2622692.ece
    Internet sabotage? - http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/third-undersea-cable-reportedly-cut/story.aspx?guid=%7B1AAB2A79-E983-4E0E-BC39-68A120DC16D9%7D
    US seemingly intentionally spending itself into disaster - http://thinkprogress.org/2008/02/13/economic-indicators/
    Russias military getting twitchy - http://www.cctv.com/english/20080215/101313.shtml
    Climate changes happening but still no absolute answers -http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/global_warming/2007/12/10/55974.html

    I do love a good conspiracy theory - especially the sky is falling ones BUT there does seem to be something happening and I doubt we would be told if it truly was huge. Has anyone else got any personal experience of unusual activities close to home that could be considered suspicious? Does anyone have any personal theories on what - if anything - is happening?

    Please note this isn't meant to be a debate :grinning:

  • Qcmbr

    haha - I post the lamest topics.

    OK - here's my thoughts:

    There is a coming natural disater (natural because many governments are 'involved' and even I don't believe that governments would conspire to kill vast numbers of their own people.)
    I'd put more weight on something they can plan for like a possibly known astronomical event (asteroid) rather than the ticking timebomb (like avian flu) - i.e. it has a set date making large scale preparation cost effective. Whatever it is its in teh near future due to current preparations.
    Whatever it is it will affect plants (hence seedbank) - this suggest heat and physical upheaval on a ferocious scale.
    I think they have released movies to break the news already and psychologically prep people - Armageddon / Deep Impact and The Day After Tomorrow.
    The ongoing tension is being notched up with the global warming / war on terror / financial meltdown scenarios being vastly over reported (let's be honest - the world is in rude financial health overall, there are minor weather changes but we aren't affected really and the war on terror has been based on one -admittadly large - outrage in the US - if that's a war then the bad guys are pretty ineffective.) This tension will either allow other more important events be missed until too late or make us too de-sensitised to pose an organised threat to evacuation of the chosen plans.
    I think the best minds and most critical personnel have been selected for removal to deep survival bunkers but won't know about it yet.
    I think this event has historical precedent which caused amongst other things the basis for flood legends, the concept of the 'Destroyer', the need for the ark, the destruction of previous advanced civilisations , ancient mass extinctions (potentially it has sub cycles - like tides some bigger than others.) I'd guess this is what has been encoded by older civilisations in their writings and calenders - periods of destruction and rebirth, new ages coming out of old. This suggests to me a meteor storm or orbiting object causing gravitational and electrical phenomenon (maybe the cause of our grand canyon? - giant electrical arcs..)

    Anyway I think we may have a good date to look forward too - 2012.

  • Satanus

    The chikadee outside my window, at the very top of the tree took a dump. Strange. Seriously though, those stories were in the conspiracy circuits ten yrs ago. Pres clinton was supposedly behind all kinds of dastardly shenanigans, back way back when. The only change is that govt is so much more powerful, now.


  • Qcmbr

    Ok so we have a variation on the chicken little theme from Satanus - although its not the sky that's falling on our heads but bird poo....but is that merely a diversion?

    In the meantime there must be some more theories out there!

  • ninja

    ordo ab chao

  • jacethespace

    From my own personal research there are a lot of conuries planning a new world order of some sort and some countries/groups are in oppostion to the wests so called world plan that includes the un eu african union north american union.All things are merging into one including the economy of the world.



  • ninja

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  • Qcmbr

    A single world government is almost inevitable because it makes financial sense (think of the financial boosts gained when tribes coalesce, city states unite, countries agree treaties and so on...) . I think that a single currency , a single police force, a single language and so on are a future certitude assuming this world runs on money. None of this is necessarily a bad thing ( I wouldn't want to go back to living in a country divided by clan chiefs and sleeping on a sword. Unity has been great for this country.)

    The question for me is whether governments are benign or acting as modern day slavers.

  • Qcmbr

    Hi Ninja,

    The only problem I've ever had with the masonic angle is the seeming altruism of those who knew that they would not share in the final power when the NWO was created. What was in it for the early pioneer masons?

    It would be kinda cool (in a creepy way) though if there was a shadowy organisation responsible for major world events throughout history ....

  • The-Borg

    Yes something seems to be afoot, i've noticed these things too. Noticed a lot of chemtrails over england in recent years. Could be some sort of weather modification programme. Maybe Katrina was a dry run? Problem Reaction Solution.


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