Welcome. The Watchtower idea on salvation is that everyone not a baptised JW will be eternally destroyed at Armageddon. The only exception are children of JWs that are too young to be baptised. On present stats that is over 6 billion deaths. See http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/salvation.htm for Watchtower quotes. The reason that you are not told this is that it is an embarrassing doctrine, so JWs will normal beat around the bush.
Most people that die prior to Armageddon will be resurrected, unless they died in judgement periods. http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/resurrection.htm
Regarding marriage in the New System, this has changed several times. It is one of the doctrines that many people find very upsetting, particularly sisters that have not been able to find a partner. As the scripture is applied to those being resurrected to heaven, it is crazy for the WTS to try to indicate it has any relevance for people living on earth.
As far as i can work out, people resurrected onto earth are forbidden to marriage, but married couples surviving through Armageddon (as part of the Great Crowd) are allowed to remain married. Below are some quotes.
w549/15p.575QuestionsFromReaders***WhatisthecorrectunderstandingofJesus’wordsatLuke20:34-36(NW):"Thechildrenofthissystemofthingsmarryandaregiveninmarriage,butthosewhohavebeencountedworthyofgainingthatsystemofthingsandtheresurrectionfromthedeadneithermarrynoraregiveninmarriage.Infact,neithercantheydieanymore,fortheyareliketheangels,andtheyareGod’schildrenbybeingchildrenoftheresurrection"? ... After that final test there will definitely be no marrying or being given in marriage then by those counted worthy of the new world and having the right to eternal life, just as angels have that right. But even before the gaining of the everlasting new system of things these ones brought back in the resurrection of mankind do not marry, because even prior to the final test they are children of the resurrection. Their being debarred from marrying and being given in marriage does not wait until their names are written in the book of life and they are counted worthy of the everlasting system of things. (Rev. 20:12, 15) By the time they return from the dead through a resurrection paradise will have overspread the earth and the token fulfillment of the procreation mandate will have been effected by the Armageddon survivors and their offspring. (Gen. 9:1; Matt. 24:37; Luke 23:43) That work will have been accomplished by those of the "other sheep" class now living and who survive Armageddon. They are not precluded from marriage and childbirth by the words of Jesus at Luke 20:34-36, since they never die and hence are not children of the resurrection.
tschap.20pp.179-180ForWhomWillResurrectionBringBenefits?*** WHYRESURRECTIONHOLDSFORTHNOPROMISEOFMARRIAGE ... But what about those who are brought back from the dead to live on earth? Will they be reunited with former marriage mates? No statement in the Bible indicates that this will be the case. The Scriptures definitely show that
death dissolves the marriage. Romans 7:2, 3 reads: "A married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is alive; but if her husband dies, she is discharged from the law of her husband . . . so that she is not an adulteress if she becomes another man’s." Hence, if a person chooses to remarry now, he does not have to worry about the effect this might have on a resurrected mate in the future. If singleness is not for him, he does not have to struggle to maintain it in the hope of being reunited in marriage with his former mate in the resurrection. Surely, then, it was a kindness on God’s part not to require former marriage relationships to be in force at the time of a person’s resurrection, as the Sadducees erroneously thought. While we do not know where on earth or with whom the resurrected ones will live, we can rest assured that whatever arrangement exists will contribute to the happiness of the resurrected ones. God’s gifts, including the resurrection, will wholly satisfy the desires and needs of obedient mankind. His gifts are perfect, flawless. (James 1:17) The generous gifts that we have already received as expressions of his love convince us of that.
w876/1p.31QuestionsFromReaders*** Some have felt that Jesus was here referring to the heavenly resurrection, yet there are reasons to believe that his reply was about the earthly resurrection in the coming "system of things." What reasons underlie this view? Those questioning Jesus did not believe in him or know about a heavenly resurrection. They asked about a Jewish family under the Law. In reply Jesus referred to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, men who hoped for life again on earth. (Genesis 42:38; Job 14:13-15; compare Hebrews 11:19.) Those patriarchs, and millions of others, who are raised on earth and who prove faithful will be "like the angels." Though mortal, they will not die once God has declared them righteous for endless life. Human emotions today might make this a difficult conclusion to accept. But it is to be noted that nowhere does the Bible say that God’s resurrecting the faithful means restoring their marital status. ... So if a Christian finds it hard to accept the conclusion that resurrected ones will not marry, he can be sure that God and Christ are understanding. And he can simply wait to see what occurs.