Let me start off by saying that I'm glad to know this support group and website is available. I decided to dissocaite myself four years ago. I actually emailed an author that wrote a book about her experience as jw and why she left. She told me I was doing the correct thing and that they will continue to harrass me (which they did.) I just wanted to give a little background information before I begin my comment. I'm not sure how often people on the site frequent certain video sites, but I found some interesting videos about Jehovah's witness Exposed. One of the things that caught me by suprise is that the individual that came after Russell, I'm not sure if it's Franz or someone else I can't recall; basically he was the one that started the JW's version of the bible, it turns out he was a satanist and was into the occult and magic. I was shocked and angry. There were many other things exposed. Did anyone else know about this? I also saw the video from a news site that interviewed two young ladies that were raped by members of the congregation. The elder that was present with theml eft as well because they didn't like the fact that he was exposing the truth. The elders in the congregation told the girls that if there wasn't two eyewitnesses present at the time they were raped it cant be true. What the heck is that!!! I was so upset about that. The elders also told her that if she prays to jehovah he won't listen to her prayers because what she has done is a horrible thing. I just can't believe they refuse to beleive these young girls, they cover up everything that religion is a Cult! I may be repeating old things that people already know, I apologize if this has been discussed already. I heard there is a new book coming out by a high ranking memeber of the religion that has left, does anyone know anything about this? ( I didn't mention the name of the sites because I'm not sure if we are allowed to do that.)
JW exposed
by aquamarine 18 Replies latest jw experiences
Are you talking about Joseph "Judge" Rutherford as a Satanist? From all my research he was just
a arrogant alcoholic and womanizer. -
Ray Franz, previous Governing Body member,,left over 25 yrs ago,,has written at least two books. Must read!!!
yes some of that information has been presented here before, but it doesn't matter. Everyone feels as you do when they find out how the WTBTS has manipulated and deceived them. I'm glad you are out - don't spend too much time being upset about the WTBTS - turn your back on them and go forward with your life. Hope to hear more from you - Hortensia
AQUAMARINE- Congratulations on leaving the witnesses and welcome to the board ! You will find a lot of people here who have been through what you have dealt with ! It is true the Watchtower society hides lots of things inside their organization - like the 16 child abuse victims last year who were paid out millions of dollars in out of court settlements , and a gag order was put on the witness victims so they would not talk to the media about it. But it came out anyway in the news , word got out, but the society did not inform the congregations a child abuse settlement happened . It's called information control ! Nice to have you here, good luck ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Welcome to the board!
I know it's 7 am but welcome to the play ground. I am absolutely amazed at all the folks that are finding this site. When I first happened accross it I stopped right here and didn't look any further at the other sites. Then, yesterday I decided to look further on google and OMG ! I guess this is why the WTS is so adamantly against the internet!
It doesn't take too long to get an education about what you thought was the troof. Although I aven't been inside the kh in 3 and a half years I have often after reading so much here just how many from my old cong have left regular attendance.
We always had those who were on the fence and went just to please their families. And there were those who were submarines. They surfaced for the memorial or a "special " talk. But think back on all of those that came and went?
Has anyone here ever actually counted the number over the years that were baptised against the number actually in at present? Surely, there has to be a larger number who new the troof than there are active ones in now.
Welcome Aqua!!!
never heard of anyone of the presidents being a satanist but I do know they had pagan images or something like that on some of the earlier mags...
Good morning cognac...
Welcome Aquamarine to JWD
During the 1960s and 1970s, the Watchtower Society occasionally used the translation of the New Testament by Johannes Greber to support their similar renderings of John 1:1 and Matthew 27:52,53. In 1983 they officially stopped using his translation because of its "close rapport with spiritism." The information that Geber Was a Spiritist Was readily available to the Society's writers. In 1955 and 1956 the Society's writers themselves wrote of Greber's spiritism. Their use of Greber's translation to support their New World Translation and their explanations for it is evidence of shallow scholarship.
I think this is what you are referring to so I hope it helps