Great. One more embarrassment for the witlesses. It isn't bad enough that they need a No Blood card that can be hidden in one's wallet, and only embarrasses the victim when they pull out the wallet to get a credit card or some cash. But, I can soon see the day when the witlesses are all going to be required to wear the embarrassment necklace 24/7, much as they are the embarrassment badges at Grand Boasting Sessions today. They will use the flimsy excuse that someone might see the embarrassment necklace and join the cult based on that (and they will fake experiences about that, and showcase it).
More likely, the result is that people will see the embarrassment necklace and shun the person. As more pedophile reports start making the mainstream, they are going to start being left out in neighborhoods and schools. They will be harassed any time a child is kidnapped (which is bad enough, but now it will let the real perpetrator get away while they waste time on someone that didn't do that kidnapping). This is going to cause some major problems for the witlesses.
I think I will stick with cross necklaces.