I doubt they have expressed themselves as opposed. But they obviously prefer the cards due to the signature and clarifying explanation that would be too lengthy for a necklace or bracelet. I suppose, too, JWs don't want to wear something conspicuous that would call attention to a teaching that already has resulted in a lot of bad publicity for them. Frank
JW Necklaces
by fjtoth 21 Replies latest watchtower medical
wear the no blood piece on the same chain as your cross or pentagram. lol
Funny thing this subject coming up again. I love that idea of tatooing the NO BLOOD on their foreheads. Now that would be a really huge mark. They may confuse it with the mark of the wild beast.
In 1964 on Christmas Eve, I was rushed to the hospital (aganist my father's better judgement), but when I was in the emergency waiting to see the doctor I was falling over on my dads legs. An emergency doctor said to my dad, what is the problem? My dad said, "her mother thinks she has acute appendicitis. Well the doctor immediately put me into a cubicle and started running blood workups and all the other tests they do. The doctor told my father that I was in critical conditon and that their was the possibility that my appendix's my rupture.
My father stood up to the doctor and told him that Terry is a JW, a lie I was not nor was I baptized, my father told the doctor she will not except a blood transfusion. Of course in 1964 there wasn't a HLC and elders didn't exist, so my father just told the doctor that this was our convictions. After fighting awhile with my father. and by this time my mom had arrived at the hospital in a taxi, the doctor said okay No Blood Transfusion, but if anything happens to her it will be on your head, not mine.
Anyway after the emergency surgery, I came into my room and there was a huge sign and I mean huge which said this patient doesn't except Blood Transfusions and then wrote under that NO BLOOD TRANSFUSION. Man talk about embarresment I could have crawled under the sheets if I hadn't been in t errible pain.
As I mentioned it was Christmas eve and the nurses and doctors were making a fuss over the young people on the pediatric ward. There was singing of Christmas carols, now it was the first Christmas that I wasn't going to celebrate either as my father told us that the Christmas of 63 was the end of all holiday celebrations. Being upset and in terrible pain and stress It was alot for me to handle. My mom and dad made such a huge fuss about not taking gifts from the doctors and nurses as they were handing them out in the morning of Christmas Day. One very kind nurse took my gift away and several hours later when my parents weren't there she brought me a cute toy unwrapped. She said she didn't want to see me left out. I loved it and her too. Then the witnesses started visiting me during the three weeks I was hospitalized, wow three wks back in those years and today it is day surgery or an overnight stay. Times sure changed. Well the witnesses all brought me all kinds of gifts. Not christmas as they said just something for me to enjoy while I was in the hospital. To me it seemed like Christmas anyway. The only thing that didn't feel or look right was this huge sign above my bed. How stupid it was. After all was said and done I was finally home and free of the people who visited the room to see their children and would see this sign and turn away.
I felt like a hole in the head. Or some stupid alien from another planet. But it was so stupid this sign. I will never forget the humiliation I felt that year.
God I am so happy Iam not a JW anymore no one could pay me enough to go into the KH, unless it is to tell them they are misguided and should run out and never return.
JW necklaces is the stupidest idea that has come to the for front.
I remember some dubs having these braclets they had them specially made.
No money to be made for the WTS by having these medical bracelets.
Enjoyed reading you experience orangefatcat.
My son had an appendicitis in 2004.
17 days in the hospital.
i knew a girl when i was a kid who's parents made her wear her blood card on a chain around her neck.... they even laminated it... That poor girl. I remember all of us kids in the KH used to make fun of her : (
I'm sure most JWs wouldn't object to a beer transfusion.