New 2008 Rules for A$$emblies?

by WTWizard 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • watson

    No sex in the hotels while attending the convention.....not that that was an issue anyway, but just in case someone might hear the carnal goings on.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Your No Blood card, will now come with a scan bar, that will be laminated after you fill it out. It is to be carried at all times, and you have to use it to pick up your magazines and books at the literature counter. This will be so we can better monitor your house to house activity.

    The new publisher only copy of the WT, will now be printed on copy proof paper.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Badges will be scanned upon entering site. Letters and elders will be sent to those who miss.

    Tickets for the book releases will be given with your badges

    H.L. understands that there is much they can still do.

    As the literature gets cheaper and cheaper, I really do see drastic measures.

    For those that miss the DC, the elders can say, "We can get you the new release, but
    only if we deem you worthy of it, by shepherding you and examining your service card and
    your meeting attendance. Next year, just go to the 3-Day Indoctrination session to avoid

    Badges could be scanned for "security" reasons, but they will have to figure out a way to
    allow those invited ones without a badge in. Perhaps, they can just photograph them or their
    ID. This would really discourage walking out if they scan you again. I could see this happen
    after some "incident" is blown out of proportion to justify it. "It's the worldly persecution causing
    this, not us."

    Imagine the hassle if you forget your badge at the hotel.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I just heard that they will be issuing Colostomy Bags at the assemblies so that no one has to get up a leave to the bathroom,

    Witnesses will have to purchase them as they enter the buildings, prices for each bag has yet to be determined.

  • VM44

    The Watchtower forgets that the JWs are NOT their employees!

  • MOG

    can I bring my ipod

  • sacolton

    It always infuriated me about the "stay in" policy during lunch time. Couldn't drive to the local fast food joint and
    help the local economy make some money while the JW were in town. Ridiculous! I hated the 3-day brain wash
    conventions. I would doze off the minute it started with their monotone droning voices, but you always knew it was
    time to clap when their voices would suddenly get louder.

    Example: "blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah ... AND YOU TOO CAN LIVE IN A PARADISE EARTH!!!" [clap time]

  • Layla33

    I find this whole thing hilarious. So let's just say you DO go to a subway or a chinese take out, will you then be DISFELLOWSHIPPED because of it??? Tell me, what is the supposed discpline of someone who says, "you know what, I am going down to the subway and get me a sandwich" or say, you lose your food or forget to pack it because you are rushing? I don't think this makes any sense whatsoever.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Do you think they will install electronic collars for all that attend, that way they could monitor everyone allot better.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Perhaps the lapel badge can give a mild shock if you walk out at lunch.

    Good point about stirring the local economy by hitting the fast food joints.
    Don't many pioneers work part-time at fast food joints? Don't they need
    a good economy in their little towns to keep proclaiming the good news
    full time?

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