I've noticed since the Watchtowers Tax problems,and publications now being offered without a price for "donations" the QUALITY has gone down to save money $$$$ First the new Calander is half the size of the original A4 size....it's hard to write your Witnessing hours! Remember the hard cover books that last forever...now paperback!! MONTHLY AWAKES and Study Article only Watchtowers for Witnesses, saves alot of paper and printing. And the selling off of central New York properties, and getting rid of many Bethel workers. Smart bussiness sense!
2008-Watchtower is so cheap! - books cheaper covers, smaller Calander??$$
by Witness 007 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I guess God isn't funding their "work" anymore
Yep, don't forget the settlements they are now forced to pay.
One has to wonder when they will bite the bullet and tithe, or just pay the damn sales tax like they should of in the beginning.
Witness 007
The Calander is so small now that most Witnesses buy a bigger one to hang behind it....ours has puppies on it...not practicle at all!!
At this rate, The Watchtower should be postage-sized by 2015. The idea of a slow fade is spreading to the organization itself!
I remember thinking that about 1997, or so, when they started putting out the microfiche calendar (and extorted the same donation to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund for the smaller calendars). Now where are you supposed to write all those appointments, like the dentist appointments for those with children, the Great Boasting Sessions, all those calls, and the like?
Then, about 2003, I noticed that everything is paperback. So much for the fine physical quality of the littera-trash. Things are going to get ruined much more quickly. Song books are going to be needing replacement every year or less. And, they cut the Asleep! to once a month (so much for that "college equivalent"). I have even heard that they are using crappier paper now for the littera-trash.
Oh well, the crap should be printed on toilet paper. It goes out of date, when the next new light comes, before the old books wear out. As for the calendars, I haven't got a witless one since 2003 and I like the worldly ones better. They even have all the holidays printed on them, and each month gets a whole, full size page. Best, they cost about $10 (I would rather pay $10 for a real calendar that is going to help support a real cause than pay for a witless calendar to support the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund).
The most shocking thing for me was when BIBLES became paperback...
I mean, how horrible is it to make a bible look that cheap??? Even "worldy" bibles look very respectable...
Room 215
The steady deterioration of quality in their printed material to my mind speakas very eloquently of their true priorities. Can't help but recall the really fine quality of the books of the Rutherford era, with their embossed covers,
The most shocking thing for me was when BIBLES became paperback...
When did they start with that? -
Witness 007
Remember the old magazines with the cheap toilet like paper?