Are you bothered?

by LouBelle 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I'm just curious if you seriously take what people have to say about you on this forum. Do you care if they cause offense or call you namesl. Does it effect how you feel about yourself?

    I've read through some threads where people can be rather "cutting" / harsh in their remarks - perhaps some unintentionally, others, you can see they are out to attack.

  • sacolton

    Name calling is mean.

    I'm very sensitive about my extremely long penis.

  • mouthy

    It doesnt bother me. I really do care for all on here , Cant remember who ALL are weather male/female/ old /young/ atheist/believer/
    It is the private e-mails that I get I really care about.... But if someone dont agree with me that is fine...I spent 25 years knocking on doors ,getting rude remarks .so I figure I am trained for the insults.

    And remember as I have told you all before when I was 9-10 years old I used to go around the streets picking up horse manure from the milkman, baker,grocers cart, they all had horses , I would then be knocking at doors selling it for 2 pence a bucket. ( In England) So I have been selling S....t all my life.
    So what you sow you reap.....LOL

  • willdabeerman

    Some here,imo, cannot differentiate between 'real life' and just a forum. It is not only here but other forums I have been on also.

  • sacolton

    willdabeerman -

    Sorry if my attempt at comedy upset you. I think you're directing your response to me. Don't be offended.

  • willdabeerman

    Sacolton- No sir. I was not directing my comment at anyone in particular. I was just saying. I actually like your brand of comedy.

  • sacolton

    Peace, Brother! :)

  • mouthy

    I'm very sensitive about my extremely long penis.

    Bragging will get you NO where sweetie!!!!!

  • sacolton
    Bragging will get you NO where sweetie!!!!!

    That's odd ... what did the Elder mean when he told me it would take me places?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    does this face look bovvered?! (for those who don't know what I'm talking about!)

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