SO proud... Wife brought COC as reading material on a road trip...

by Robert7 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    What if you were to little by little let your friends know of your doubts? Have you ever considered they may be doubting too? You could do it in ways that may not brand you an ":apostate"...

  • Robert7

    Dawg, in some respects we have been droping seeds of doubts. My wife simply talking to her friends about my situation has realized that virtually everyone has doubts of some sort, and virtually everyone hates service. They just supress them as I did over the years, but as we chat more over time, we'll see what other doubts we can sew...

  • Hiddenwindow


    That's great. I dream of my wife adopting such a wonderful viewpoint. Good for you.


  • jgnat

    Woohoo! Congratulations!

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Wonderful news indeed!

    For the doubters out there (who doubt that you can help a JW to come out of their psychological coma) - this is proof that people can be won just need to feed them the right information!!


    The Oracle

  • Robert7

    Thanks everyone... It really takes a slow trickling of information over a long time to be effective. Too much and the walls go up and you're an apostate.

    I didn't directly realize it at the time, but I've been dropping seeds over the years with little doubts that I've been noticing...

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