Men do...

by LouBelle 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    think about whether they would sleep with a friend or not - I know you guys have said that before "that a guy is thinking whether or not he would sleep with a girl friend" Well now I know for sure it's true.

    My mate - my buddy - the guy I hang out with admitted that he would sleep with me - I was a little stunned and taken off guard - I laughed so hard. Then he proceeded to say he thinks I have romantic feelings for him..... I mean we flirt, but on such a non serious/fun way that it means (to me at least) nothing. He was so serious - that made me laugh even more.

    Anyway I had a good laugh.

  • momzcrazy

    And how did he react to your laughing? I would have laughed to, but I would expect the man to get pissed off.


  • kurtbethel

    LouBelle, given your stated age it is suprising that you did not know that item of information about men.

    We do not come over and move your furniture, or listen to you blather about your pets or former boyfriends, because we find your musings riveting.

    We want sex.

    Sometimes, once the sex issue is cleared up, we find that you are pretty cool and we like you.

    Or not.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    I'm really surprised that you didn't know this, you sound like you just discovered something.

    Men think about sex all the time, every time they see a woman they see her in a sexual way, it may be that they would like to have sex with her or that they would not like to have sex with her, and its not men’s fault and you women shouldn’t view men as ‘just interested in sex’. Firstly women are pretty a sexual way, and women dress themselves up in a sexual way, low cut dress’s, tight dress which hug the figure, painted faces and those low-rider jeans! It’s all sexual, and please don’t tell me it’s NOT because you’ll be just kidding yourselves..

    Men also have lots of testosterone which give them a greater sexual drive, women have some too.

    One ‘expect’ once put it nicely, "Men use love to get sex, Women use sex to get Love" think deeply about that comment, it can speak volumes, but in another sense it really makes no difference as long as they get married, its when they don’t get married, that’s when the problems start, about who is using who.

    That’s my bit for today.

  • bluesbreaker59

    2 of my best friends on the planet are females, known them since college, and we worked together. We had lots in common, and helped each other through stuff. They like me giving them "male insight" and I like them giving me "female insight" on matters. I mean I've had a passing thought about sex with them, but nothing more than a "gee wonder what it would be like" type thing. When I'm with them I view them as just friends, or when I do stuff for them its because I care about them (and their husbands).

    So I disagree that we are CONSTANTLY obsessed with sex with all women. Some women that I associate with I've never had a passing sexual thought about. I talk to them or help them out because I like people, and they're nice, genuine, cool people. That's my $.02

  • reneeisorym
    Men also have lots of testosterone which give them a greater sexual drive, women have some too.

    I do not for one second believe that men have a higher sex drive. I have a higher sex drive than most men could even think about...

    I can't help but believe that this experience of LouBelle's is basically because he has a crush on her. I think a lot of men have a sex centered mind but I don't believe it is like that with all of them.

  • Jim_TX
    "My mate - my buddy - the guy I hang out with admitted that he would sleep with me - I was a little stunned and taken off guard - I laughed so hard. Then he proceeded to say he thinks I have romantic feelings for him..... I mean we flirt, but on such a non serious/fun way that it means (to me at least) nothing. He was so serious - that made me laugh even more."

    Like another poster asked - How did he react to your 'laughter'?

    "Anyway I had a good laugh."

    Since you stated that 'he was so serious', I'd be willing to bet that he'll be distancing himself from you in the future. Some guys are sensitive about relationships - and get hurt when a gal laughs at them.

    ...and gals wonder why guys seem so 'clueless' when the gals are interested in the guy - and he just seems to not be interested. It's not that he's not interested... he's probably been 'laughed' at - and doesn't want to go through that again.


    Jim TX

  • parakeet

    LouBelle wrote: "Anyway I had a good laugh."

  • sweetface2233
    I mean we flirt, but on such a non serious/fun way that it means (to me at least) nothing.

    I mean no offense by this, but if that statement is true, then why are you on this board constantly talking about him?

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    I think it’s silly that you claim that women have the same sex drive as men, an average man masturbates every second day, an average woman masturbates every 2 weeks, and a man can have sex with no emotions at all, but a woman needs some emotions or even to feel "loved" to enjoyed sex.

    Look how many female hookers you see on the streets and how many male hookers you see on the street, its because men have a greater drive and its harder for them to control it.

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