In order to be a Mason, you must be able to express belief in a creator. What that belief is or name you chose to use to describe such (Allah, Jehovah, Jesus, Purple spaghetti monster)doesn't matter. You also have to be a man of good reputation in the community. The overall creed of the Masons is to take good men and make them better.
The ritual and degrees contain lessons designed to do just that, emphasising devotion to family, to community, honesty and charity etc.
If one was to look at Masonry 100 years ago, it was a very influential body. Really if you wanted to be anyone or succeed in a community it was best to be a Mason. Today it is a shell of that. Now it is really a male social club that does good work. In Toronto and other large urban areas, interest and active participation is dying off.
Due to the Masonic path I have taken, I have 4 nights/month of obligatory meetings. Most Masons only commit to the one Lodge meeting per month. Now if work or family obligations interfere with attending those meetings it is understood and encouraged to take care of those interests first. Masonic obligations come in third after family and work. Financial obligations are next to nil. I pay $120 per year in membership fees. My support for any Lodge or regional activty is completely voluntary.
There are more 'christian belief' references as one progresses through the degrees (York and Scottish Rites) and references to Biblical stories but they are presented as stories not as source of dogma. I was a little uncomfortable about using the name Jehovah in one of the degrees but that is just a flashback to my time as a Witness. I've resisted and been uncomforatbale with that name ever since leaving the Borg.
This is just a brief over view but if you have specific questions PM me or continue this thread. Thanks for the questions.