Freemasons...who are you?

by feenx 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uzzah

    In order to be a Mason, you must be able to express belief in a creator. What that belief is or name you chose to use to describe such (Allah, Jehovah, Jesus, Purple spaghetti monster)doesn't matter. You also have to be a man of good reputation in the community. The overall creed of the Masons is to take good men and make them better.

    The ritual and degrees contain lessons designed to do just that, emphasising devotion to family, to community, honesty and charity etc.

    If one was to look at Masonry 100 years ago, it was a very influential body. Really if you wanted to be anyone or succeed in a community it was best to be a Mason. Today it is a shell of that. Now it is really a male social club that does good work. In Toronto and other large urban areas, interest and active participation is dying off.

    Due to the Masonic path I have taken, I have 4 nights/month of obligatory meetings. Most Masons only commit to the one Lodge meeting per month. Now if work or family obligations interfere with attending those meetings it is understood and encouraged to take care of those interests first. Masonic obligations come in third after family and work. Financial obligations are next to nil. I pay $120 per year in membership fees. My support for any Lodge or regional activty is completely voluntary.

    There are more 'christian belief' references as one progresses through the degrees (York and Scottish Rites) and references to Biblical stories but they are presented as stories not as source of dogma. I was a little uncomfortable about using the name Jehovah in one of the degrees but that is just a flashback to my time as a Witness. I've resisted and been uncomforatbale with that name ever since leaving the Borg.

    This is just a brief over view but if you have specific questions PM me or continue this thread. Thanks for the questions.


  • Uzzah

    Jaguar Bass. To refute the JWs or any other organization using the ilk of David Icke as an expert or reliable source is akin to asking me to refute Einstein.

    Just for clarification, I am an idiot about Einstein's theories.

    'nuf said.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Uzzah is it true your part of the trilateral commission New World Order Jedi mind cult that wants to steal my soul and sell it so you can over take Washington D.C. then the world so that you can have total control over every person on the planet all the while amassing gold, silver, copper, oil, sunlight, cars, trucks, mailboxes and everything else all to fulfill your evil plans?


    Uzzah - just tell me more about the magic underwear that Jag is talking about.

  • VM44

    Masons.....secret organizations, hmmm. Reminds me of a movie I saw once on television. Anyone here seen "Brotherhoood of the Bell"?

  • Uzzah
    Uzzah is it true your part of the trilateral commission New World Order Jedi mind cult that wants to steal my soul and sell it so you can over take Washington D.C. then the world so that you can have total control over every person on the planet all the while amassing gold, silver, copper, oil, sunlight, cars, trucks, mailboxes and everything else all to fulfill your evil plans?

    Yes and my portion is the mailboxes. Especially the ones with the red flags ... ohhh I love those ones ... Just think of all the brass numbers I can collect... I really don't want the door slots tho but I am stuck with them. Hey maybe I'll create a new degree for the door mail slots . BUt mailboxes are mine .... They are mine ... all mine (maniac laughter ensues - think Dr. Evil)

  • Uzzah
    Uzzah - just tell me more about the magic underwear that Jag is talking about.

    Now there is a really special handshake that I am going to have to show you ...

  • dinah

    The surgery I had to correct scoliosis was done at Scottish Rite Children's Hospital in Atlanta. They had the BEST pediatric ortho surgeon in the Southeast. Dr. Raymond Morrisey. He was awesome. Even though I still have problems, mine is no where near some of the horror stories I've read about scoliosis complications.

    My Mom has insurance, but worked for barely over minimum wage. The Shriners picked up the tab. We lacked about $3,000.00 having it paid.

    The doctor did my surgery without blood. BUT, he did give me a wink and tell me he wouldn't let me die on the table. (There was blood typed and crossed matched ready, just in case. My Dad was not a dub).

    So, anytime I see the Shriners doing a fundraiser I always kick in what I can.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I am a member of a craft lodge here in Australia, that means I am just a common or garden Freemason in a lodge that performs the first 3 "Degrees" of Freemasonry. There are a number of side orders which extend the ceremonial work beyond the basic 3 degrees which are a form of moral illustration to the candidate. I guess you could say there are parallel between this and the dramas at the assemblies.

    Freemasonry is "a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated in symbols". So what it is trying to do is instill a respect for moral values on it's members by illustrating the importance and benefit of behaving in a positive moral fashion.

    Uzzah has already mentioned that the fraternity is something of a shadow of former times, there are still some very influential people who are Masons but for the most part we are ordinary people who are interested in do a little something for charity and meeting with friends a couple of times a month.

  • LouBelle

    I must say it doesn't sound half as exciting as movies, conspiracys make it out to be. It is only for males? Is there a "sister" to the free masons or not?

    I've heard via via that quite a few American Presidents were masons, also that Robert Mgabe is (zimbabwian president) I don't know if it's true - but surely if it was you wouldn't want Mgabe representing you guys - have him taken out.

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