This thread is for the serious soldier. Those who get involved here must mean business.
The link provided at bottom is to a three page letter, meant for all clergy everywhere. It is the Community Conscious International newsletter informing all Clerical persons of the latest Watchtower scandal. It is now complete, and will start going into the mail tomorrow.
If you want to say 'you were there' and participated when the TOWER came down, then put your money where your mouth is.
Print out the three pages, photocopy, and distribute to every church in your area.
Of course, as you read the letter, you will see that you need to have made an attempt to contact the press. DO SO.
Do not fool around. This letter WILL hurt, and if you sit on your duff, then your area won't be on the list of fun places to have been when it all happened.
If you want to mail, then strip the header off the first page and print it on the upper left of your envelopes.
Start collecting church addresses NOW.
250 chrches in my city will have this arrive in their mail within the next seven days. Will any churches in your area receive it? It's up to YOU.
If you want to print the CCI header in COLOR on your front page, then strip the header off the front page before you print it. Then photocopy, and re-insert photocopies of front page back into printer to print the color CCI header.
Any questions, email [email protected]
Anything that can advance this project, please post.
CCI letter to Churches.doc