Here is the way I see it.
Growth rate over the last six years has been an average of 2.2% per year.
Assuming that 1.5% of the growth is from families getting children to begin their publishing careers, that leaves a pathetic 0.7% growth from the field. Pretty bad compared to the general worldwide poplulation growth of approximately 1.2% per year. In fact it is EARTH SHATTERINGLY BAD. If things are supposed to be speeding up in the last days, we are going to have to see some drastic improvements in a hurry!
As far as disassociating numbers are concerned, I think they include the DAs with the DFs since there is really no difference now.
The fading factor is interesting. Because if you include an assumed 1% fade factor per annum, or 1 out of every 100 hundred witnesses embarking on a fade every year (to the extent that they become inactive), that means that the faders need to be replaced with new suckers, or new publishers to offset that. If the fade factor estimate is accurate then that means that the field service efforts would have needed to produce approximately 174,608 new pubs last year. Here is a breakdown of the new publlishers added to the rank and file last year (rounded to the nearest thousand)
Total new publishers: 301,000
Estimated New pubs from JW families: 195,000
Faders who have become inactive: - 69,000
New pubs from field: 175,000
What does all this mean?
Answer: Who cares!
Just get out while you can!
The Oracle