Never drank, never smoked, never slept around, never did drugs, Shit, I didn't even drink coffee. Followed all the witness rules and a few thousand my father invented, just to amuse himself. No dating, no traveling, no kissing, no freinds from school, or school dances, no concerts, no Dungeons and dragons, no chess, no graduation. NO NUTHIN! I could go on for ages. Is it any wonder I snapped? I think I would have had a better chance at freedom, being shot in the head.
No wonder the elders had a feild day with me. I think my dads heart, leapt for joy, every time the elders pounced on me. A scapegaot, signed sealed and delivered, for your own personal power tripping. Terrible waste of my talents it was. All for elder brownie points.
I notice a lot of elders protecting their own delinquents though. Maybe that's why my dad eventually left the cong. for another one. He never got his points. I think thats because, even the dumbest shithead elder, is smart enough to protect their own flesh and blood. How can they respect a guy that throws his kid, to the whims of a bunch of asswipes?
Yep, they sure got some tall orders, and love finger pointing. What I would give, just to catch one of those elders in the act, after their merciless public tirade on my personna.
When I say I love my dad, it means:
1. I won't punch him in the head
2. I'll let him live in his own reality
3. I will try to be sociable
4. I will try my best to avoid verbal confrontation ( I've tried it before with all manner of logic and eloquence it doesn't work.)
5. I will try to remember, that something is wrong with him.
6. I will swallow my anger, and try to move on with my own redemption and loss.
This I will not ever, afford to an elder, so he is very, very lucky indeed. People have left their homes never to return, and committed great acts of violence, for far less.
Its funny, but its almost like I'm the parent. Maybe thats the way it always was. My common sense and logic, was ever so, more present, than their own. They gave their parental authority, and heartfelt reasoning over matters to the society. So I must accept that I was raised by the boys of Brooklynn. A very heartless, judicial way of growing up indeed.
I think letting the society think for you, in matters of life, with your own flesh and blood, is a form of parental deliquency. I guess my dad is an idealist and not a realist. Thats fine, but I better not catch any of them, stepping out of line. EVER!