Hello, Newbie here
by disillusionedandscared 34 Replies latest jw friends
Hi there and you are SO welcome here.
There are many many people here who will offer you some great advice, some superb reasoning, and down right logic.
Welcome Dis! When you stop fitting in "there" you will find comfort and relief "here." Who woulda thunk it? I have been here just less than a year, and JWD helps you stop feeling like a freak of sorts. The database here is deep. I can not wait for you to start expressing what is causing you the most discomfort, but the sooner you do, the quicker you will find some peace.
And you are dang lucky....you and your husband are on almost the same page, whereas my wife is still in the JW cocoon.............................good luck (yeah we can say that!)..............................oompa
Hey there and a big welcome, disillusioned!
Enjoy your stay here. This place became a safe haven for me. Hope it's useful to you also. There are some really great people on this board. Kick off your shoes and get comfortable.
Meeting Junkie No More
This place is a godsend. Glad you found it. And welcome.
Welcome D&S
You are seeking the answers in the right place. I have been out for 25 years and had no answers, just was fed up. Coming here a couple of months ago answered all my questions with links to information sites and others experiences.. Finally have peace of mind.
Hugs from Velvetann
Even though the WTBTS labels us as "apostates" - it's only because we don't agree with their doctrines.
Psalm 146:3
Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. -
You will find a lot of information here to help answer your questions, as well as support.
Welcome Honey! Great to hear you and your husband are on the same page. Me and mine went through this together also - although for different reasons. I'm happy to report that you can have a happy marriage on the other side!
Anyway... a couple of notes: Take some time and read a few posts (even older ones) especially about topics that interest you. I'd make sure to include a few on the UN situation and the blood issue. Then ask your own. Then when you're ready, go buy Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. Yes, the Governing Body member who was disfellowshipped. His book really gives you an inside look at all that is the Governing Body - truly eye opening!
Oh yeah, one more thing . . . be prepared for the amount of time you'll spend here. There's a wealth of information! Welcome again!