Paradise=Muslim's 70 virgins or Witnesses=Eternity singing kingdom songs!

by Witness 007 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kurtbethel

    I don't understand why guys are attracted to the 70 virgin package.

    Do they not think it through? What are you supposed to do with a virgin, ogle her (or him)? Once you go beyond that and consumate, then that one is not a virgin. Okay so you have 69 more. Hmmmm....69...oh never mind that. Then 68, 67, on down the line. Since you like virgins so much do you keep some in reserve just to ogle them while you get your gratification with the non-virgins? If you consumate with all of them do you get replacement virgins?

    There is a lot in this that my American male mind does not grasp.

    I would take one somewhat experienced and fun loving female over Kingdom songs any day.

  • funkyderek

    I believe the virgins in question are perpetual virgins, i.e. their virginity grows back. Personally I think I'd find it quite tedious to have to perpetually deflower 70 women, but to each his own.

    At least the Muslim paradise, unlike the JW version, gives them something to really look forward to. They're denied sex on earth; they get an abundance of it in heaven; on earth, they avoid alcohol, in heaven wine flows freely; on earth, they spend most of their time praying and purifying themselves, in heaven they are perpetually pure; on earth, the pig is a disgusting unclean animal, in heaven, it's everlasting pork chops all round!

    JWs however probably lose the few pleasures they have in life. Now they've got television and fried food; in the paradise they'll have placid wild animals to stroke and fresh fruit and vegetables to eat. Sex, if it features at all, will be with the same person for all eternity. The most they have to look forward to is meeting their favourite bible character.

    Still, it probably beats the Christian heaven where the dream is to sit on a cloud praising God for eternity.

    The atheist future of eternal nothingness strikes me as far more appealing than any of those options.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah what if you get 70 ugly virgins.........and are they in bakini's or muslim dress!

  • stillajwexelder

    virginity is like a balloon - one prick and it has gone

  • JeffT

    Great line from "Shibumi" by Trevanyan (sp?)

    "Arab men value virgins because the rightly fear comparison."

  • jookbeard

    Having 70 virgins is no good if you have had your meat and 2 veg lobbed off

  • Gregor

    70 virgin what? Goats?

    Maybe their was a problem in the translation-

    "Omar, great job on the suicide bombing, now allow me to introduce you to your 70 year old virgin, Humid. Be gentle."

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