Boy do I feel ripped off! As a Witness If I spend my life at meetings and field service my reward is............eternity with the Witnesses gardening which I HATE.....and singing kingdom songs. No T.V no booze no fun no nothing and to boot I don't get my 70 Virgins like the Muslims......I mean for 70 Virgins I would be willing to go thru all the meetings and field service........but to spend eternity with your Circuit Oversear and a bunch of Bethelite's I think the living would envy the dead.
Paradise=Muslim's 70 virgins or Witnesses=Eternity singing kingdom songs!
by Witness 007 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
No T.V no booze no fun no nothing and to boot I don't get my 70 Virgins like the Muslims......I mean for 70 Virgins I would be willing to go thru all the meetings and field service
Really?? I wonder how Mrs 007 would feel if she read your words here?
Remember how concerned you were that she might read what her husband has been writing?
My wife burst into the computer room and found me {gasp} talking with Apostates on this site! Now she doesn't go Witnessing anymore and only very rarely goes to a meeting...but talking to Apostates is not on! I quickly closed down but had to log-off later so she doesn't find out that Iam "Witness 007." Some personal stuff is on here and she is very private..........she's probably at home right now searching the Net History!
A suggestion: only write what you'd be comfortable with anyone reading. As a rule, if you feel you could be embarrassed, then don't post it.
What's so great about 70 virgins?
What happens when you exhaust all 70?
Imagine 70 nagging women following you around for all eternity ... doesn't sound so great to me.
Yeah but if you had 70 then there is a good chance that there would be at least one or two speaking to you at any given time! I mean sure probably at least 35 would be on their periods on any given day. 20 would be mad that you hadn't taken out the trash/washed the dishes/changed the oil in the car etc. 5 would be pregnant and moody. 5 more would have their moms/sisters visiting. 3 would be ugly, so that leaves 2 to actually have fun with at any given time!
Virgins don't stay virgins for long.
So what do the female suicide bombers get?
Oh, wait - they get screwed. Literally and figuratively. -
Eternity singing Kingdumb Maladies? !
Sing out with joy of heart
You too can have a part
Live for the day
When we'll say
Life without end at last!
A silly question about a silly subject. Since no one will ever die in the New Order (sounds kind of fascist) then there must come a time when procreation will stop. Will this mean- A. The sex drive must be denied through cold showers, etc. B. The sex drive will be divinely nuetralized. C. The sex act will become simply a source of pleasure with no conception.?
The 70 virgins promise held out by Islam is no more rediculous than the Christian heaven or the JW perfect earth with eternal life.
Isn't it funny that virgin girls are sought after the world over but when it comes to virgin guys women are kind of like... Ummm yeah fumbling bumbling, premature, nauseous from nerves.... Ummm yeah I think I'll PASS! Just goes to show who the real smart sex is.