WT-Says Moms Should not Work

by leaving-jws 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal

    I agree that this article is laughable and shows that their mentality is stuck in a 1950s time warp. Unfortunately, they never held real jobs in the 1950s. This is typical advice from people who are in un-reality about the world and how working people live ---- all while they are living on working people's charity.

    I suspect, more than anything, that this advice has more to do with how there aren't enough women to do favors for people in the hall. Apparently there aren't enough women around to bake cakes, to chauffeur people around, etc. These men think women are just there to make everybody 'feel good' like they are some kind of idiot 'hostesses-on-the-spot' for whatever idiot needs something. This is why they like the Thursday night school where the womenfolk give talks together. It makes the men feel all warm and fuzzy. Problem is: those women on the stage are not their wives. They are somebody else's wives or they are single women who have to go out and make a living.

    I am sure couples with children take everything into consideration when a mother decides it is necessary to join the work force. They have to take into account how much money she is going to spend on transportation, lunches, clothing, etc. I only met one or two married women in my life who joined the work force because they wanted to get out of the house. My non-JW mother was one of them. However, she did this when we were grown up.

    In today's world, however, it is usually because of financial necessity that a married woman joins the work force. In fact, many families are barely making it even with both spouses working.


  • sspo

    Once again we see the watchtower putting mothers on a guilt trip in not fully being good mothers if they hold a job.

    I wish the writers get their butts out of bethel, where everything is provided for them, and see what it takes to live.

  • Hope4Others

    I don't know any women that enter the work force just for SHITS &GIGGLES.!!


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Well it's that mighty army of women that get the bulk of the preaching work done.

    The GB don't want them working for anyone else but them.

  • carla

    Where do you suppose this leave ubm mom's? I mean, I teach my kids all about the wt! just not the parts they want known!

  • stillajwexelder

    Also if they encouraged more people to go to college instead of demonizing it, then there would be better paying jobs and women could choose not to work if that was what they wanted - they are trying to have it all ways.

  • momzcrazy

    Because of teachings like this many women will be completely lost should they divorce or be widowed, myself included. We all know they will receive no help from the congregation, but will be told to rely on Jehovah and pioneer.


  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Well, this UBM works and supports the entire family, JW hubby who's out of work included. They can take their WT and put it where the sun don't shine. I'm so sick of people trying to make working moms feel guilty for working! UGH! It makes me sooooooo mad!!!

  • llbh

    This is so awful on many levels

    1 The sujbugation of women which is totaly immoral and wrong

    2. It lowers the self esteem of women

    3 Devalues women in every way

    4 Means their husbands often have to work harder to pay the bills


    Because of teachings like this many women will be completely lost should they divorce or be widowed, myself included. We all know they will receive no help from the congregation, but will be told to rely on Jehovah and pioneer.

    Totally agree with this too momz. I know of many sisters in this position. They are divorced and have to work hard in poor paying jobs to meke ends meet

    I could say alot more but will leave this to other



  • bavman

    I would like to see an actual scan of this. Anyone?

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