The Borg's Current Take On The King of the North

by Rapunzel 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rapunzel

    Reading Aleman's intelligent and erudite posts in regard to prophecies and other things biblical got me to thinking and prompted me to ask the following question - Just what is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's current [as of this month, February 2008] interpretation on the identity of the wicked witch king of the North? When I was in - many moons ago in the late 1970's - the King of the North was depicted, if my memory serves me correctly, as the Soviet Union. But as the expression goes, s*** happens. And, as we all know, the Soviet Union imploded. As there is no more Soviet Union, the whole "prophecy" by the borg gets flushed down the toilet, which leads me to ask again: Just who or what is now the King of the North according to the organization? Just who or what currently occupies this position of opprobrium?

  • Finally-Free

    The watchtower hasn't had anything to say about the king of the north, but during the first gulf wat I heard some privately speculate that it might be Iraq or Islam as a whole.

    I'd be surprised if they came up with any official take on it again.


  • NewYork44M

    I do not believe there is anything official related to the society's definition of the king of the north.

    There is a special talk from Ciro Alisino suggesting that the KON is the Islam world. But the talk was give soon after 9/11 but there was nothing said officially from the society since.

  • Gopher

    After the fall of the Communist bloc, it seems the WTS took a "wait and see" approach. Of course, this allowed speculation to run rampant among both JW's and ex-JW's about what they would say next. Would the king of north become the Islamic bloc?

    Now with iron-fisted Putin we have a partial return to the days of old Russia, so maybe the WTS won't need to change very much. Or maybe they'll just let the 'king of the north' prophecies die on the vine, seeing that they've been so wrong about them before. (For example, in the old book about Daniel in 1958 "Your Will Be Done", they said Communism would persecute JW's right up until the end of the old system.)

  • DT

    I don't know the official answer, but I have heard speculation that they wont know until it comes to its end with no helper. This is much easier than trying to predict things ahead of time (although the WTS has also had its problems with retrodictions).

  • dawg

    Face it, its simple.... the WT organization doesn't know what the hell its talking about... what a bunch of fools... and our families still waits with baited breath to see what revelations God's channel will think of next.. good god almighty?

  • 5thGeneration

    Yup, they don't have a clue and are now afraid to speculate.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    If I were the WT I would say that the King of the North is Santa Claus.

    It is timeless.

    You can't really prove it's wrong.

    He represents Christianity who is pushing and shoving the rest of the world (through the USA, etc)

    It's perfect!

    Maybe I should start partaking of the emblems this memorial and I'll finally get that invitation to Brooklyn so I can start writing the WT articles.

    The Oracle

  • monophonic

    king of the north, the mega-rich organization who proclaims itself as the only channel to God.

    in other news i read mormons are one of the fastest growing religions and have 12 million in the US alone. wow.

  • willdabeerman

    Irregardless of what the WTBS thinks, Russia is by not a damn shot done yet. IMO from what I read and KNOW, The Russian Federation is still a force. There is a reason that the Americans are still pussy footing around and regarding the Russians. There is also a reason that the Russians protested so hard about Kosovo declaring independence. The world will see that the the ol 'USSR" is not done. On that same note, you should see the latest figures of how many Germans want that damn wall back up. Things have been nothing short of unstable since the 'democratic' revolution has taken the world by storm. I believe that the pendulum is about to swing backwards by about 20 years. I hope I am wrong, but just based on history, I believe we are all in for a shock session.


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