Jehovahs witnesses so called translation of the Greek Scriptures

by youngdemar 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • youngdemar

    Do you Jehovahs witnesses know that none of your so called scholars who translated your bible had no Hebrew or Greek training whats so ever? They didnt even have any university training whatsoever. Only Fredrick Franz went to college and left after 2 years without even an undergraduate degree. On trial November 24 1954 he admitted under oath that he couldnt translate a simple hebrew text. The other translators Nathan Knorr, Albert Schroeder, George Gangas, and Milton Henschel had no greek or hebrew training. So you are reading and following a made up text that has been grossly translated ignoring all rules of greek to fit your religious beliefs. WHAT A SHAME.Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth(2TITUS 3:7)

  • Faded-out

    ummmm....this is an EX-witness site. We already know this, just one of the reasons we are EX-witnesses.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Hello youngdemar - yep, we knew that - and from the crap they churn out in the Watchtower, it looks like they struggle with understanding English too, lol

  • youngdemar

    I do know Jehovahs witnesses who visit this site just to see what people are saying about what they believe. Havent u noticed atheists on here too. ummmm

  • Narkissos

    Thanks for the head up youngdemar

  • MidwichCuckoo

    All sorts on here, youngdemar, all welcome...but as the Watchtower tells its members they have the most accurate translation of the Bible, celebrated scholars etc, they regard the TRUTH (ie, what YOU said, and what we know) to be apostate lies...that's because they believe all the crap the Watchtower Org feeds them, and they're not allowed to question it or do any research - but you knew that

  • Leolaia

    "2 TITUS 3:7"

    Dang it, that book got left out of my Bible! ;)

  • Hope4Others


  • Hortensia

    LOL Hope4others!!! As for the question, uh, gee, no, no one ever told us that before. What do you know? Tut tut tut...

  • WTWizard

    How did they do it? Without having any knowledge of Hebrew or Greek, they had to take the King James or Douay Bible and alter some of the scriptures to fit their doctrine. Some were updated English; many changes were put there to make the Bible fit the Watchtower Society's teachings.

    Then they would make a wimpy attempt to fabricate a few Greek or Hebrew words, using sources that they had at their disposal (that is, reference works). They would alter things so that they could lie and tell people that the grammar in the original work fit the New World Translation, taking advantage of the fact that the average person has little to no knowledge of Hebrew or Greek. Specious logic explaining how they came up with the translation is the result, always wrong.

    I would like to see someone with a mastery of both Hebrew and Greek and the original manuscripts go in with the New World Translation and write up a review. I bet the Watchtower Society would flat out reject any corrections that they are sure to find (any legitimate group would accept such correction, knowing that transcription errors are certain in a work of this size). Anyone going by the corrected version would be viewed as an apostate.

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