What do you think? Are people born with a desire to be with the other white meat? Why would a person choose that path when it leads to criticism, hatred, alienation, high cholesterol etc. Why wouldn't they just be normal if they could. If you say they are born that way, then why does God condemn it? If Jesus died for our sins and one of your sins is being into porking will he forgive you?
Are people born hamsexual?
by SixofNine 71 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know. I have sorta a love hate thing with pork. Am I hambisexual? Can you help me keep kosher?
I don't know, but I love a good white porkchop. I fry them, but bbqued is good, too. Then there's this melt in your mouth crockpot recipe that can also be cooked in the oven.
Oh and don't get me started on the glazed/baked ham. Scored with cloves, pineapples, cherries and brownsugar glaze. YUmmmy.
I just know I love the stuff. And I always have ever since my mamma fed me ham gerber baby food from a jar. No one told me to like it. I just did. And I still like it. And I even read the bible and everything. I don't believe God would make it taste so good if it was evil. I think people banned ham to control other people. Either that or their was a pig shortage and the rich wanted to hoard the pigs for themselves and they made up this fake law against ham, to keep ignorant poor people from diving for the chops and baby back ribs.
"Why should you abhor eating the excellent meat of this animal which nature has freely bestowed on us? Surely it is sheer folly not to enjoy the harmless pleasures, and it is wrong to spurn nature's good gifts" (4 Maccabees 5:8-9).
When I read the first post I thought to myself, ' I would love to sleep with a horny black female!' - some are uniquely drop dead gorgeous!! - but then realised you're talkin food and I'm vegetarian so the question is peculiar to me! I used to like bacon and hate gammon is about all I can say!
What is the point of this post? Is it to do with the very old books from ancient peoples claiming to be closer to God than we are because God spake to them and is giving us the silent treatment?? I don't believe that for a second - like various prophets said - the truth is in you - in your life blood and nature is all around!
Well, you know what they say...
Given the fallen condition of man, there could be any number of predisposed tendencies that cause harm to self and others.
It happens to farm boys a lot more than one would think. I remember the annual fall event, where they turned a couple of pigs into food: smoked sausages, bacon, pork chops, cracklings, etc. Mmmmm.
Ps, i never told anyone about this, until now. -
Interesting question.
I do not think I was born hamsexual and I'll tell you why. If no one had ever eaten ham before I was born I really don't think I would look at a pig and think, "Gee, I wonder how that would taste".