I have had similar dreams lately. Someone mentioned being smacked up by elderettes and maybe it was the same person who mentioned finding yourselves in an elders house. I had a dream the other day where I climbed up steps (basement) of an elders house and found myself face to face with an elderette. She instantly began smacking me up. So weird... Basically the dreamed continued with tons of people I knew giving me an ashamed/judgmental look.
I don't know about your dream recently, but I think mine was triggered. I ran into someone from the hall and it was rather uncomfortable. I caught the ashamed/judgmental look. I think how people feel about me affects me quite a bit (it's what kept me in so long despite knowing things were wrong). I really love some of the people in the org, and my instant reaction is to feel like I owe them something. That's true with anyone that I know though. I have to pause and consider the biblical, ethical, and moral principles involved instead of instantly seeking to please them. Once I've recaptured clear thinking unswayed by emotion, its a clear choice never to go back. I think I feel the most guilty however because I don't set them straight. At this point, it would cost me more than I care to lose.