January 15, 2008 Watchtower, page 23 paragraph 16
It seems, however, that not all who have been called to a heavenly hope since the 1930's are replacements for ones who have fallen away. Jehovah has evidently made sure that we will have anointed Christians amoung us all through the final days of this system of things until the destruction of "Babylon the Great." (Rev. 17:5) And we can be confident that the full number of 144,000 members will be completed in Jehovah's due time and that all will eventually take their place in the Kingdom government. We can also believe the prophetic Word that the ever-growing great crowd will as a group continue to prove itself faithful. Soon it will "come out of the great tribulation" brought upon Satan's world and will joyfully move on into God's new world.
My thoughts on this:
1. The Society has mentioned that all the 144,000 were selected by 1935 and those annointed afterwards would be replacements of those who were unfaithful - this has been mentioned in many many publications, so why the change and why have they only devoted two sentences to this change? They are not treating this like new light.
2. This change is like a credit card with no lending limit, as long as the Society is operating and the new system has not yet come, there will always be someone who is of the annointed. This information should be put into the same file folder as the change about 1914 not being a defined generation.
I am sure they have had many direct questions about the current new members of the governing body. If someone was 35 in 1935, he would be 108 years old, it is hard to believe that someone that old could do anything so wrong as to be considered unfaithful...LOL. That is of course, if you could find anyone who was annointed prior to 1935 that is still alive. So this new light or as they put it in the paragraph "Jehovah has evidently made sure that we will have anointed Christians amoung us all through the final days of this system of things until the destruction of "Babylon the Great"
My words are " Evidently we had it wrong for over 72 years and now we have gotten around to correcting our mistake." "Jehovah is wonderful in how he releases the right information and the right time".
Share your feelings on these two sentences.