You seem to acknowledge a need for 'house-cleaning' yet vilify, sometimes in the most spiteful and unworthy terms, those who courageously effect such changes.
Christ Jesus acknowledged a need for house cleaning yet that doesn't mean he is going to join forces with the Accuser and his apostate dupes to effect some sort of change. You are kidding yourself if you think you are on the right side of the issue.
Speak with your friends in Writing Robert, they will bear witness to my words
I have no interest in the petty power politics that undoubtedly go on at Bethel. Human nature naturally stratifies any organization into progressive and conservative factions. You can see that in the local congregational level and I am sure it exists at the top of the organization. That's just kids stuff as far as I am concerned. Heck, the apostles were arguing over who was the greatest on the night Jesus was arrested. The only thing I am concerned with is Jehovah's will and word. That's why I am content to do my thing and let them do theirs knowing that Jehovah will do his thing in due time. And indeed, his work is strange as Isaiah testifies. At some point the brothers will realize that the sheet is too short for covering themselves with, then they will have no choice but to sit down and re-read the Bible and jetison a lot of the stuff that we have been saddled with. Then the truth will fit just like a key into a lock and there will be no need for politicking of any kind. People will either accept the brilliant new light or they will be left in the dark. It's beautiful really, because Jehovah gets the last word. You'll see. You will be amazed the way this thing is going to go down.
As to the UN/NGO debacle, this is more a faux-pas on the part of the WTS than a sinister plot. The issue has been sitting waiting like an unexploded bomb for 11 years. It was not cleaned up from within, but as is the mark of a lumbering and rudderless WTS these days, it was attended too by pressure from individuals outside the Organization.
The prophecies I am looking at show it in a much different light. The Proverbs indicate that Jehovah even prepares the wicked one for the evil day. That means that God usesapostates and opposers to accomplish his own purposes. Similar to Judas' betrayal. I think the Watchtower's association with the UN will come eventually be uncovered to be much more sinister than is even apparent now. Remember, Jesus forewarned that during the tribulation the deception would be so massive that it could even decieve Jehovah's chosen ones if that were possible. So, I think the UN connection willat some point really serve as a snare for a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses who are presently sleep walking. The whole scene of the world can change on a dime. Really, just one nuke is all it will take and we\ll see who trusts God and who follows men and their vain promises.
Though they bring the changes that you seem to herald as necessary you still view them as enemies of God.
Aren't you the clever one. I have never viewed Ray Franz and his little sect, the sect of Nicolaus according to Christ's revelation to the congregations, as having anything of value. Now you would have me believe that Ray's disciples would have saved the Watchtower from the NGO debacle. What a lie. Franz' issues ain't my issues. As far as I can tell Ray Franz had zero insight into spiritual things---ZERO.
Though they bring the changes that you seem to herald as necessary you still view them as enemies of God.
Wrong. I don't desire to see any sort of change or reform brought about by human efforts--especially not the Franzian agenda of blood, disfellowshipping reform, blah, blah, blah. We have had enough of that and we know where it always ends up. My desire is that Jesus would take complete control of his congregation and expell the phonies and hypocrites and presumptuous ones that would play the prince over Jehovah's little ones, and that Christ might effect the real spiritual paradise that the Scriptures foretold. Anything less than that is a waste time.
/ You Know