A WTS lie for UN "association"

by hawkaw 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Lionel_P_Hartley

    Youu Knoww,

    It doesn't help at all; of course you are free to discount a long record of hypocrisy and lying by God's sole channel of communication with mankind but most wouldn't. As for the uniqueness of the WTS's relations with the UN, it isn't that special at all. Think of the currying of favor with the Nazis and, less directly, with the Mexican Military. However, primarily it is merely hypocrisy since the UN has no actual role in prophecy. The WTS may think it does, but it used to think that the World Court was the Scarlet-Coloured beastie until an update was called for. So, you see, the WTS only lies and acts the hypocrite because of its nutcase prophecies which have a 100% failure rate. The WTS, like you, continually updates (literally) its prophecies. "We have dates it cries. And if you don't like them, as you won't when we don't, then we have other dates ready to go."

    By their fruits shall ye know them. Your casual dismissal of organized lying and hypocrisy by the Slave shows that you and they exhibit a common fruit - and it is rotten. In fact, it smells like an overripe durian to me.


  • Tatiana

    Thanks once again, hawkaw, for providing me with more ammunition. And all the replies (even YK's)are great. I hope none of you mind, but all of this is being copied. I want my niece to know what I'm sure my mother and the rest of her congregation will tell her.

    Who knows, one day soon, maybe you'll see her here, and she can thank you all personally. I'm hoping....


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • hillary_step


    HS wrote - You seem to acknowledge a need for 'house-cleaning' yet vilify, sometimes in the most spiteful and unworthy terms, those who courageously effect such changes.

    Christ Jesus acknowledged a need for house cleaning yet that doesn't mean he is going to join forces with the Accuser and his apostate dupes to effect some sort of change. You are kidding yourself if you think you are on the right side of the issue.
    As this is totally a matter of your own opinion, not justified in NT theology and based on loose and rather worrying assumptions by yourself of having ‘special’ insight from God, it has to be assessed as an illogical reaction, rather than reasoned thinking on your part. I might react by saying ‘YK, you are kidding yourself if you think you are on the right side of the issue’. My own proclamation is as impotent and meaningless as yours.

    HS wrote: Speak with your friends in Writing Robert, they will bear witness to my words

    I have no interest in the petty power politics that undoubtedly go on at Bethel. Human nature naturally stratifies any organization into progressive and conservative factions. You can see that in the local congregational level and I am sure it exists at the top of the organization. That's just kids stuff as far as I am concerned. Heck, the apostles were arguing over who was the greatest on the night Jesus was arrested.
    You mix the processes of political relationship with the processes of social relationship, though superficially appearing similar, under scrutiny the motivation is quite dissimilar. Kissinger in his book ‘Diplomacy’ illustrates this very clearly. Many play the foul game of politics for the good of others, individuals seek prominence for the good of themselves only.

    The only thing I am concerned with is Jehovah's will and word.
    Many on this Board have ‘weaknesses in his (their ) faith’ . When they question you about scriptural matters you often react in a very unkind and spiteful manner, hurting people with brutal words. Is it Gods will that you behave like this? While God has a right to judge, your own judgment call as a Christian should be to ‘return evil for evil to no-one’. As one who purports to be of his anointed can you understand that you might drive these people into even deeper despair?
    That's why I am content to do my thing and let them do theirs knowing that Jehovah will do his thing in due time. And indeed, his work is strange as Isaiah testifies.
    What evidence, apart from personal interpretation do you have, that the prophetic scriptures in the OT were ever designed to live post 70CE?
    At some point the brothers will realize that the sheet is too short for covering themselves with, then they will have no choice but to sit down and re-read the Bible and jetison a lot of the stuff that we have been saddled with. Then the truth will fit just like a key into a lock and there will be no need for politicking of any kind. People will either accept the brilliant new light or they will be left in the dark. It's beautiful really, because Jehovah gets the last word. You'll see. You will be amazed the way this thing is going to go down.
    Again totally based on personal interpretation. You may be right., but do not ask anybody to build Paradise on your view of scripture.

    HS wrote: As to the UN/NGO debacle, this is more a faux-pas on the part of the WTS than a sinister plot. The issue has been sitting waiting like an unexploded bomb for 11 years. It was not cleaned up from within, but as is the mark of a lumbering and rudderless WTS these days, it was attended too by pressure from individuals outside the Organization.

    The prophecies I am looking at show it in a much different light. The Proverbs indicate that Jehovah even prepares the wicked one for the evil day. That means that God usesapostates and opposers to accomplish his own purposes. Similar to Judas' betrayal.
    There you go again, quantum leaps into YK heaven, the emphasis on this section is the word ‘I’.
    I think the Watchtower's association with the UN will come eventually be uncovered to be much more sinister than is even apparent now. Remember, Jesus forewarned that during the tribulation the deception would be so massive that it could even decieve Jehovah's chosen ones if that were possible. So, I think the UN connection willat some point really serve as a snare for a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses who are presently sleep walking.
    Your opinion, I disagree. The UN debacle is small toast compared with what we will be discussing this time next year.
    The whole scene of the world can change on a dime. Really, just one nuke is all it will take and we\ll see who trusts God and who follows men and their vain promises.
    I have no doubt that we will see a nuclear explosion of some sort within the next few years. What will result from it and for God Trusters, of which I include myself, only time will tell.

    HS wrote - Though they bring the changes that you seem to herald as necessary you still view them as enemies of God.

    Aren't you the clever one.
    Why thank you good sir, perhaps one day I may be able to say the same of you. I certainly look forward to that time.
    I have never viewed Ray Franz and his little sect, the sect of Nicolaus according to Christ's revelation to the congregations, as having anything of value. Now you would have me believe that Ray's disciples would have saved the Watchtower from the NGO debacle. What a lie. Franz' issues ain't my issues. As far as I can tell Ray Franz had zero insight into spiritual things---ZERO.
    Perhaps you are correct YK, but what has this to do with our discussion. I cannot even recall alluding to RF, let alone those sympathetic to his views. As to the sect of Nicolaus - tell me, do you have insights here that others do not as to the deeds or beliefs of this person or group, as his MO is a mystery to everyone else on this planet.

    HS wrote - Though they bring the changes that you seem to herald as necessary you still view them as enemies of God.

    Wrong. I don't desire to see any sort of change or reform brought about by human efforts…………….My desire is that Jesus would take complete control of his congregation and expell the phonies and hypocrites and presumptuous ones that would play the prince over Jehovah's little ones, and that Christ might effect the real spiritual paradise that the Scriptures foretold. Anything less than that is a waste time.
    An admirable and noble view. As you pretend to be loyal to the WTS, while at the same time vilifying and attacking it at its foundations, a clear shift in your thinking incidentally from your past posts, do you not see a problem here? Your public statement seems to need justification as to why you do not fall into your own categories of condemnation. If this is your own sort of YK/NGO situation that you are developing, watch out Hawkaw is on your tail.

    One thing is certain, very few loyal JW’s would give your views the consideration that they receive on this Board, does that not strike you as a little strange?


    edited for forum code nasties.

  • You Know
    You Know


    It doesn't help at all; of course you are free to discount a long record of hypocrisy and lying by God's sole channel of communication with mankind but most wouldn't.

    Most apostates are glutted with wicked suspicions and believe all kinds of things. So what?

    As for the uniqueness of the WTS's relations with the UN, it isn't that special at all. Think of the currying of favor with the Nazis and, less directly, with the Mexican Military.
    Yeah right. The Witnesses curried so much favor with Hitler that he put them in concentration camps and murdered thousands of innocents. You are a classic example of the kind of perversity that tyifies apostate JW's.

    However, primarily it is merely hypocrisy since the UN has no actual role in prophecy.
    Yes, of course, and Lionell P. Hartley is an expert on these matters. LOL

    So, you see, the WTS only lies and acts the hypocrite because of its nutcase prophecies which have a 100% failure rate.
    And let me guess. You were disfellowshipped for fornicating, and mom and dad threw you out of the house for smoking dope and reading porno, then you read the gosple acccording to Ray Franz and have taken to parroting his drivel as if you had personally revealed some great truth to mankind.

    By their fruits shall ye know them. Your casual dismissal of organized lying and hypocrisy by the Slave shows that you and they exhibit a common fruit - and it is rotten. In fact, it smells like an overripe durian to me.
    You are a liar. I did not casually dismiss our error. I pointed out that Jehovah will punish his organization. But there are many righteous and faithful people in Jehovah's organization who know nothing about the issues of our apostate accusers. In the end Jehovah judges his organization and he also judges us on an individual basis. Like all apostates you know nothing about Jehovah or his judgments. You are a mere Franzian drone. / You Know
  • Francois

    You Know,

    One of the greatest causes for stumbling is when an organization that claims to represent the great God of the Universe engages in lies and misrepresentations so transparent, so thin, so insubstantial that one would have to suspend disbelief totally, to abandon its own god-given intelligence, in order to believe its representations.

    The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and its defenders, like you, should busy yourselves looking for your millstones. The one that will be draped around your neck just before you are cast into the sea.

  • wannahelp

    "The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and its defenders, like you, should busy yourselves looking for your millstones. The one that will be draped around your neck just before you are cast into the sea."


  • Basil

    "Jesus Takes Complete Control" Is this not what all so-called "Christian Religions" look for? Are not all that believe in Christ looking to Him to solve all of mankind's problems? This is not unique to the "organization". It would appear that according to scipture this is open to all who profess that Christ is their Savior, and that this hope and personal faith would supercede "our" beleifs that "we" as a group have a propriatary position over others who have the same hope. C.T. Russell's early writings we very loud against such thoughts that somehow (when it came to faith in Christ) that he and his group were first in line for Christ's blessings, but in fact Russell made sure he was heard clear that the relationship between man and Christ was far more important than one's affiliation with any one "organization", and that it is one of a personal nature and not a "group effort". Somehow, we as a group have dirfted away from such a clear statement of scripture.
    The present and future will dictate what happens to this organization. Based on "clear statement of scripture" we as individual "Christians" better pay more attention to God's Word than we do to our publications. The Bible is the Word of God...

  • wannahelp

    Welcome to the board BASIL..

    Loved your comments.. Keep contributing.. !!!!


    My god bless you

    - Wannahelp

  • Derrick

    Hi Hawkaw, excellent research. However, at the risk of sounding out of step with reality, I'll ask you a question: Suppose, way back when the Watchtower became an NGO of the United Nations, they didn't know that one could access the library's resources without becoming an NGO? Couldn't this have been an innocent mistake on their part? I realize joining the United nations was a bad call, but why not consider it was born out of ignorance and confusion not deliberate intent?

    Comment to You Know: Nothing changes. You called that person a "Franzian drone"! You still engage in debate with those you judge as apostates! I understood your participation on H2O because it's a neutral zone. We don't allow swearing and personal insults. It appears that atmosphere was not conductive to your "ministry." You are now attending a masquerade ball for those you claim are "opposers," where swearing and personal insults are allowed. You are here judging others who have fallen by the wayside, when you should be encouraging them.

    To all in this topic: First get all the facts as they existed when the Watchtower joined the United Nations before you decide whether they are trying to wiggle out of a compromising situation, or victims of misjudgment.


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • Lionel_P_Hartley

    You Know,

    It seems I hit a nerve in that Royal Jelly-like Body of yours. LOL. "Franzian Drone" is rich coming from a rabid fan of Lyndon LaRouche and Freddie Franz. Is that, perhaps, why you're so hot under the collar about this UN business? That Lyndon disapproves?

    At least your reply shows that you haven't entirely lost your ability to spew invective. Yr recent posts have been downright dull, even for you.

    As for the Nazis, that Rutherford's currying efforts failed doesn't imply that they weren't tried. How about Malawi; maybe the brothers there should have been allowed to buy a library party card too, because I'm sure it would have been more convenient for them than being torurted and killed.

    You Know, you are a lying old fool. Your predictions and prognostications are as silly and as tiresome as those of your lying handlers in Brooklyn. All of you self-professed members of the body of the Lord will have your souls spliced from your fleshly organisms to be dumped into the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. Because, your lot, like that of all who would "lie for Christ" is with the dogs and, oh yes, the fornicators with whom you seem to be so fascinated.

    I don't believe that nonsense myself, but I know you do.



    ps: Robert - not disfellowshipped and, actually, am in rather good standing with the brothers although I no longer attend.

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