For me I think if it wasn't for the fact I'm gay, I'd still be an active Witness. This year, even my mum has said that it wouldn't be "appropriate" if I was to go to the memorial. Now the Memorial is something I've never missed, so that kind of stings a bit. I keep thinking that I never chose to be gay or anything, its just me. In all these years I've never been able to reconcile myself to what I feel v what I am. So whats your " " Scoob
If it wasn't for "....................." I'd still be in the "Truth".......
by ScoobySnax 45 Replies latest jw friends
If it wasn't for my desire to Biblically justify the Society's rules, I'd still be in the truth.
Reading the Bible killed it for me.
Really Momz???? explain?
If it was not for CLEAR thinking and using COMMON SENSE. That goes for all religion, not just the witnesses. Even after I left the witnesses I tried to believe there was a god. I tried looking for him/her/it. I even went as far as doing the born again thing. You know asking Christ to blah blah blah. In the end I see how it is ALL rubbish. Now that I think and see clearly I realize that I do not need that invisible sky captain, that book of fairy tales and fables, or the hollow empty threats that has kept ignorant sheeple in check and blind.
1. The lack of love by congregation members and being excluded from events.
2. Lack of shepherding or offers of help from the elders.
3. Neglect from my JW family who spent many hours preaching and RBC work but couldn't spend a few hours a year with some maintenance around my house and who excluded my daughter and me from family gatherings and ....
4. The increased level of control regarding personal matters like dating and more recently college attendance.
5. I didn't dig deeply into doctrine, because I didn't do much Bible reading. However there were a few things that didn't make sense to me over the years and the Daniel and Revelation books were laughable. -
"the fact that it's all a big fat LIE, and the fact that I found out"
The fact that I was not raised a JW and knew there were other more loving, liveable options out there. And seeing that the philosophy the society lives by is just like the Pharisees and it promotes a lifestyle opposite of the one Christ lived.
Scooby, you need to look into universalism You'd be a lot happier and you'd realize that no matter what God intended when he made man and woman, as regards to homosexuality, he sure isn't going to kill you or torture you for something you can't help now.
if it wasn't for the NGO saga....I would still be arrived in my google news alerts and I didn't believe it ..AT FIRST............but it got me searching.....he he
I need for things to make sense. I like my thoughts and actions to jive together, not contradict each other.
"not being accepted" would have to be mine