I agree with you momz, scooby please ignore the ignorant!
If it wasn't for "....................." I'd still be in the "Truth".......
by ScoobySnax 45 Replies latest jw friends
real one, shouldn't you be on a street corner somewhere wearing a sandwich board?
real one
bfd cool idea!
Barbie Doll
I think it is a good thing Scooby that you are Gay and got out of JWS.
That is the best thing that could happen to you. JWS did you a favor.
We love you here. (((((((((((((((((((((((( Scooby ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
If it wasn't for me being totally unable to listen to hate spewing morons feed brainless sheep bullshit by the bushel full, and shun their family that don't want to be sheep, and stick their noses into everybody elses business, and tell other people things that I don't beleive, pretending that I do, and kill their members because they're too proud to admit their wrong, and all the other myriad ways that they screw up lives, I'd still be in the "Truth".
Who am I kidding, I probably still wouldn't be in it...I'm way too lazy.
agree with you momz, scooby please ignore the ignorant!
No, please do not agree with me ever, about anything! You are such a pain. When you are a grown up, I hope you have more understanding than you do now, you little troll. momz
If it wasn't for hate-spewing hypocrites with delusions of grandeur, misunderstanding and misapplying scripture, I might still be sucked in.
RealOne: Here's your sign.
If it wasn't for the fact that it most definately IS NOT the "Truth" and nothing but a lying, unloving, blasphemas cult, then I wouldn't of left.
Witness 007
If it wasn't for...no blow jobs rule...maybe!
Meeting Junkie No More
1 - lack of freedom of thought and expression; calling their talks 'discussions' when there NEVER ever was a discussion about anything in the hall - it was all LECTURES and 2 - taking the Bible literally
When I heard about the pedophile scandal, the UN thing, Mexico and Malawi, all I had were questions - not allowed to ask them
When I read about the 18(?) or so Christs before Jesus, all I had were questions - not allowed to ask them
When I began to understand that the Bible is an allegory and not to be taken literally - not allowed to say so, not even allowed to think it!Oh, and No. 3 - the US and THEM mentality - way past that now - people everywhere are some good/some bad - none of that BLACK and WHITE stuff for me anymore
So I am out of there