What's with Ex-Jw's who join another religion? Fool me Twice????

by Witness 007 60 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Caedes
    I think you folks who dont!!!! have a stronger faith than I

    Does it take faith on your part to disbelieve santa claus or the easter bunny or is it just a case that there is simply insufficient evidence that such creatures exists?

    For me it takes no faith to be an atheist, there is no evidence for the existence of any god.

  • mouthy

    so let he who is without sin cast the first stone eh?

    Ceades That was mean..... I think if you ever read ANYTHING I wrote on this ruddy board I DO NOTTHINK I AM NOT a sinner I sure know & so should you by now I am( if you ever read any of my posts. Yes I am ticked. ( So now you quote the scripture to lpve my enemy. I still do but I have rightous indignation

  • mouthy

    Does it take faith on your part to disbelieve santa claus or the easter bunny

    I think that is a stupid statement ....Because I WAS SANTA CLAUS, & THE EASTER BUNNY BUT I 'aint "GOD!! Are we having a fight?????

  • mouthy

    I just see where you live DEVON!!!! the most wonderful place in the world to me.... Can anyone NOT good come from there ????? LOL

  • Caedes



    Perhaps I missed the point you were making in that post, but it seems pretty straightforward to me.

    I would NEVER quote that Psalm to ANYONE!!!!
    Then I read in the Bible "Only the fool has said there is no GOD"( Creator)

    Now what where you saying about righteous indignation?!

  • Caedes

    Are we having a fight?????

    I sincerely hope not.

  • Caedes
    I just see where you live DEVON!!!! the most wonderful place in the world to me.... Can anyone NOT good come from there ????? LOL

    Well, I hope I don't change your mind.

  • mouthy

    Now what where you saying about righteous indignation?!

    OOPS I confess .Sorry I lied.... Gotta get on my knees again EH!!!! ..Well what the heck do you want ???? I cant remember all I write

    Note to self>>>>> Grace SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!! Those blokes in Devon are smart...

  • real one
    real one

    trouble minded you and I are on the same page....when i first decided to disassociate myself from the witness the sister I spoke to yelled at me "Well, where are you gonna go? You know the churches speak lies and we are the only ones serving God correctly...name me one group that goes door to door except the mormans....at that i told her i would do my research, but to myself i did question it but i also trusted God's word and told her i would find it!

    I read my Bible not the nwt, and decided to go to church after 17 yrs of not attending a church. i felt so far away from God especially Jesus.

    the first one i went to was(non-denominational) one of those ones with the big screens on the wall so everyone could sing along with the choir. i was blown away to hear all the live instruments and the lyrics to the songs praised God so much i just cried all the time, this church however was nice and all but i needed more than nice i needed the word! the pastor was putting on a show and i recognized that after attending 3 times and it was too far to drive...gas prices whew,and decided thats not the one...then i prayed to God to direct me to one that was closer to me and one that i could hear the word in and serve the community. i looked on the net and found the one i am currently attending(non-denominational). i am so blessed. I have joined after a month of attending would have been sooner except i missed the new members class, and i feed the homeless every sat morn, and am currently signed up for 3 different ministries. also work full time. i dont recall the witness helping anyone else except their own.

    I have always believed in God i just thought the churches were not teaching enough but with age comes wisdom and i finailly realized i have to read the Bible at home first and pray for God's Holy Spitit to help me to understand it. and then go share what i know with the world. Going to church just helps us get closer to God and build relationships to fellowship with our sisters and brothers. many questions get answered at church too.

  • Hope4Others

    Perhaps it is a sense of belonging?


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