I think all the lawsuits and then the exposure to these lawsuits...
What do you think?
by cognac 31 Replies latest jw friends
I think all the lawsuits and then the exposure to these lawsuits...
What do you think?
Abundance of the Information Age (unless they mainstream....then there could be another century or two)
I think that things will go on with gradually smaller groups, more inactive jws, but I don't see the WTS ever ending. The turnover is tremendous. How many jws were around 20 years ago that are still today? It will be a combination of issues that will have some jws leave either being df'd, da'ing, or becoming inactive. The pull of everlasting life on earth is strong.
My personal opinion is that their undoing will be Jesus Christ!
I agree with Blondie, they will never be undone. The have a powerful hold on people, their control is unbelieveable. They are getting more and more ferocious about telling people to preach and drop everything else, don't search the internet, don't do your own reasearch, they don't want anyone even looking at tv, they had an entire skit at the recent CA, I couldn't believe it. They are also sending a lot of the bethelites out to special pioneer to make sure they get new converts. They have been around for a very long time and they still have lots of money so I don't think they are going anywhere any time soon.
As long as there are naive and uninformed people in society they will always find new victims. Life on earth and especially through the medium of an obviously seriously flawed organisation is a joke. Biblically there is no such such thing as eternal life on earth but they use it because it has a strong appeal to the uninformed masses that can relate to earthly things that they experienced rather than unknown never experienced heavenly things. The lure works better that way.
The internet is having a strong effect against them as JWs/interested persons can quietly and safely check out what the WTS is really up to.
Time and education
The true truth as apposed to the " troof ".There is now a strong body of evidence against them which is growing day by day.It's been hidden up until internet access.
Bible says the Truth will set you free. Once people see the truth of that outfit they will leave and eventually it will be closed. Part of it is going to be its stand on nationalism though. We are moving into a tightly controlled, almost paranoid state where everyone that is not a flag waving patriot is going to be labeled a terrorist. This will probably be what does it, unless they flip flop on that next......
It's already started to unravel. The child abuse law suits, the Internet, their financial troubles, everything. They'll have to transform in order to survive. They're holding the frayed threads of their own colorful past and are trying to tie them back toegether in a changed world. As long as the GB is weighted down with the old incumbents, they'll continue to slide into obscurity.