Two girls ... at the same time.
What would you do with 200 million dollars?
by annalice 32 Replies latest jw friends
With that kind of money, I could buy a really nice computer system, and maybe even a good server (and the connections to make it as close to 100% reliable as physically possible). One of the first things I would think of doing would be to put this forum on a perfectly reliable server the very next time it starts acting sluggish or goes down.
I would buy a reasonable sized house (not so huge that ongoing headaches would quickly eat up the money, but generous sized). In it I would have rooms for things you will not see in the witlesses' homes. One room would be for entertainment, which would be in the basement and quite sonically isolated from the neighborhood (so any loud music would not be able to spread to people that want it quiet). I would get the most energy efficient TV screen I could find that is around 55-60 inches and DVD players, and a good cable service. I would also have music loaded in another server on site, with more than 10,000 songs (and a subscription to Napster and Rhapsody to add to my collection, and LimeWire for those songs I am desperate to get and cannot find otherwise).
Of course, I would not forget the Christmas tree. With 8 foot ceilings, I would make the tree top come just below the ceiling. I would have huge rolls of tinsel garland everywhere, and plenty of lights outside and all the fixings. (All LED to keep the environment clean). Plenty of red and green LED C9 bulbs, LED icicles, LED lit candy canes on the walks, a Santa in a sleigh, lit reindeer, and a Frosty. It would be enough to make Brother Hounder have a nasty headache and flu-like condition, and he might even have to miss the boasting session.
Well I didn't win either and I spent $10.00 on friggin tickets.
If I won, I'd pay off my bills and my house. Invest, invest, invest. Purchase a house for my middle son so he could get the hell out of my house and put some away for them (kids) so they'd have a nest egg. Hopefully my accountant would give me some good investment options and I could live comfortably for the rest of my life and travel with my hubby.
Oh and if hubby wanted to still work (which I think he'd have to just not to get on my nerves) I'd set him up in his own business. He's always wanted to own his own print shop.
I'd also put away some for my oldest son. If he ever stops kissing my parent's butt and decides to be his own man I'd want him to be able to live comfortably. He's gonna need a lot of help if and when he decides to grow up and be a man.
Lastly I wouldn't spend one penny on anything WTBTS!
Witness 007
I would pay for a playboy bunny {Holly Heff's girl} to become the next American President....yek it's heaps better then George. W. Bush! least she has nice boobs.
I wouldn't want to offer any of it to the "good kids" because it might bother their Bible-trained consciences.
That is a kick ass idea StAnn. I am a fellow bad kid according to my mom.
I would randomly find folks in need of a house or food and help them out.
I love this idea, Tired. that would blow that person mind that helped.
I'd payoff all my bills and all parents & siblings bills. Then I see me buying a beach house in Cancun or some other tropical place and spending the majority of my time there. Even living off the interest alone would be sweet!!!
Witness 007
I would buy 78% of the corporation of the Watchtower bible and tract society.....and bulldoze headquarters into a "pyramid" of rubble.
Then my friend who's also an ex-JW had a great idea of using some of the money to buy some of the buildings down there right near Bethel and turn them into Apostate retreats. and places to hold Apostafests.
You might want to hire an exorcist first.
At 4% interest, $200,000,000 will yield $8,000,000/year. Even if you pay 50% tax on the lottery winnings up front, that's still $4,000,000 in interest every year!
Damn, I could buy a house for each of my kids and myself - in California! - just with the first year's interest. And STILL quit my job!
Oh, and then I'd support a couple dozen charities and see the world and like that. When I wasn't traveling I think I'd stay home and write poetry.
And I think I'd start collecting Craftsman furniture and Lalique glass.
gently feral -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
After spending half of it on wine, women, and song... I'd probably squander the rest.