Button Pushers What to do?

by Sparkplug 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    Life is not cryptic.

    Freaking open your mouth and say it!!!

    It feeels so much better when you do!!

    And thats all I have to say about that!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Someone been pushing your buttons Sparky?!

    I was taught by my counsellor to identify what buttons I had and work through them so that folks can't press the same ones again and get a reaction out of me. Nothing pees off a serial button pusher more than not entertaining them - it kinda pushes their buttons lol!

  • Sparkplug

    Exactly...but people can be determined.

    The more you ignore the pigsh*t...the harder they push...Kind of like a kid who can't get positive attention,

    so they throw a fit...just to get attention.

    Pretty freaking sick if you ask me. Some people have serious issues. I look around and think, hell I have issues and they are serious. But you know damn well if I want to kick the shit out of someone, they must be a block of some bad smelling, no hope, cling to your ass sh*t.

    Because I usually can forgive about most everything. Actually if not I can easily forget about it. Some people just don't want to be forgotten.

    So here we go again....getting all cryptic. BUT sometimes that is how it has to be until justice is served. (that is not a threat, it is just the truth about having to wait till things all work out in life) sometimes you just cant go around knocking peoples heads off no matter how bad they may need them taken and shoved up their own a$$.

    Best Gump voice finding its way to my lips.

    PS Sad Emo...my counselor said the same thing and well I see it coming a mile off and it sucks BUT. This reaction is so much better than my usual. I think I am going to shower early because today I close on my house and I am so excited. Gonna blow this joint!


  • Crumpet

    I got reprimanded for being cryptic recently, but sometimes it's the only way we can communicate something and its not deliberate. In my case it's because I have so many imaginary conversations with people that I forget when I actually do speak to them they haven't the foggiest what I am banging on about, because I only told them how I felt in my head or my journal, so they have no context and therefore it sounds like one of them "tales from the crypt" (or the crump ).

    As you were Forest!

  • Sparkplug

    Hon, I do the same thing. I have to spend the first hours of the day sorting out what was said or not. Tomorrow I sign important papers. I am afraid to go to sleep for fear I will oversleep. lol Even worse, I may screw up what is going on. So here I sit mad woman at the typewriter. I feel for you hon.

    I really could use a Crumples hug right now. I am trying to stay this side of the turf at the moment. I may go get ciggs. That could be making it worse. I think I am just stressing. I sign on the house tomorrow and I guess I need reassurance. And my reassurance is not here. Well it is late. And losing everyone in your life sucks sometimes. People that should be there are off playing house elsewhere...and people that you wish were here are on the other side of the world, and I really wish I had a Dad right now to make sure I am making a sound decision.

    Scared probably.


  • Crumpet

    Courage madame! (As bisous would say in a french accent)

    Do you think you could get a tiny bit of shut eye - its awfully late where you are and you need a clear head for signing big papers. I'm going to grab a quick shower and then I will be on msn if you want to chat and have a cyber hug, which I know is no substitute for the real thing. I can imagine how anxious you must be. I'm going to be moving to another country in the next few months and am worried that its all a bit much, but the change could be fantastic and that's what is maybe motivating you - the hope and promise of something new and better. Is it better to stay in limbo and regret, or just take that leap? Remember what that gentleman said to you at the airport - that you are "a stubborn un", stubborn can be a great attribute when it means stubborn in making the changes and adaptions you need to thrive not just survive!

    Courage mon cheri! Even if I am not there to hold your hand literally.

  • Sparkplug

    Oh yeah and when you are down it is like the biggest pushers have to really dig in the old spittoons and start flinging the spit and vomit in cryptic at you. It is amazing what starts happening when you are truly oblivious. Someone has to reach in and tell you. Sometimes I wish I would learn to put my hands in my ears faster and scream LALALALALALALAAL. That or start doing as the cat above is doing to the DOG. Kick the crap out of some peeps.

    Ok, maybe I have it all out Crumps!

  • SixofNine

    re: the house closing. You're gonna do fine. This is one of the rare occasions in life where the buyer and the seller are pretty much on the same side, at least relatively speaking. Don't stress, they want this to go smoothly and w/o any bad publicity.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Good luck on the closing decki, everything will be fine!


  • Sparkplug

    Thanks peeps.

    I love you Crumples!

    PS. Are you moving here?

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