Sorry I didn't come back to you Decki - I was heading out to work earlier. I hope the house closure goes smoothly and you can celebrate abundantly!
Speaking of button pushers who push harder and then chuck a fit - yeah, that really sux. Once or twice I've still come close to hauling customers across my shop counter by the throat and giving them a serious piece of my mind...
...but I'm a Christian and we Christians aren't supposed to do that sort of thing - life is supposed to run like a dream, everybody happy and forgiving and understanding of the faults of others, patient, offer the other cheek blah, blah, blah...
What a load of b£%%*^ks!!
Those who don't know when to stop, in a way I feel sad for them because they're missing out on so much in life but don't realise it, they won't until they are faced with themselves as we have been. In the long run karma's a bitch, God might be an even bigger one in our eyes - best not to mess with either lol!