This question is a hypothetical one, posing a, what would you do type situation. Think back to the days of the bible kings for the Nation of Israel. There were bad kings who took Israel off track by their rule and some good kings who instituded changes that brought them back on track. If you were given the authority to institute and inforce changes to bring the Organization on track what would they be? Would you allow women to be Elders? Would you start building Kingdom Halls with windows? Would you start with doctrinal changes or would you clean up the administration first? Your honest opinions would be appreciated.
by agapa37 32 Replies latest jw friends
How funny! I was just thinking about this question the other day ... "How could someone fix the WTBTS?"
1. Disassociate Russell and Rutherford. Strike their names from all the publications. Do not speak of them ever again.
2. No more door-to-door work.
3. Throw away the NWT. Use KJV.
4. Meet only on Sunday. Optional BIBLE study after the Sunday meeting. Read from the BIBLE! Discuss. Opinions.
5. Unscriptural doctrines will end. Need blood? It's up to you. No guilt from anyone.
6. Shunning will stop! Disfellowshipping only on the basis of serious sins. Encourage fallen Brothers to reprove! Show love for all! No judging!
7. More energy to focus on JESUS CHRIST as the One True Salvation. No "works" are required.
Bah! I could go on and on, but what's the point? I don't put "trust in men" anymore.
IMO that's like asking how to reform the Third Reich from 1933 to 1945. Some things just need to be eliminated in their entirety.
somethings cant be fixed.
Sacolton what great repsonces, I especially agree with # 6. People have gone way overboard with the shunning. But I must say if they abolish the door to door ministry I think they would be going against Jesus example and command to go therefore and preach, teach and make disciples. I would keep that one. However, I would incorporate your idea of not making people feel guilty for not going out enough. Thanks for your thoughts.
agapa37 -
The only reason I say "No more door-to-door" is mostly because it's just to convert people from their religion to the WTBTS.
Most of the door-to-door work is just handing out Watchtower and Awake magazines. Very little discussion is centered on
the real Good News. Besides, it would be difficult to find anyone who doesn't know who Jesus Christ was and His salvation.
The original apostles didn't go door-to-door in the sense that the WTBTS orders JWs. The Apostles preached in open areas,
congregations and in the streets. Never did they mention anything about going house to house. In this day and age, people
need to respect others privacy. Now, that's not to say you shouldn't preach the Good News, but do so to those you meet in
person. Talk with those on the street. If they invite you to their home, take the Good News to their house. I'm not saying
you should hide or conceal your zeal for your love of God and Jesus.
The door to door Ministry is one of the many things I would change. I wouldn't abolish it altogether but would tweak it in the eyes of the publishers. You are right, I worked with many who just thought about time or how many magazines they would place. A change in attitude needs to take place within the people concerning their ministry. I would create NEW outlines for the ministry and its purpose. Highlight the real reason why one should go out. The hearts of the people need to be changed, therefore, talks about the ministry need to be changed, as well as the writings in the WT, seeing that is how the JWS are taught. A good hard look and study of how Jesus and his disciples carried out their ministry in the public, synagoges and from house to house is greatly needed.
I think we should simply go back to Bible teachings in the mildness and moderation of Christ.
It won't happen, the draw to keep quiet and company line by those higher up who benefit most by this arrangement is strong.
exactlly yknot! So are you saying you would start with the Leaders? After all Jesus did say where the shepard goes the flock follows.Working your way from the top up?
In order to truly reform the Jehovah's Witnesses, it would be necessary to strip away all their false docrtines and ideology, reducing the movement down to the basis - the core - of all true religion which is, namely, to be found in what Jesus called [and what many others in diverse faiths have called] the two greatest commandments: 1.) To love God [however you conceive of God] with all your heart and 2.) to love other people as you love yourself. As a rabbi once said, these two commandments are the foundation of, and are at the heart of, the Torah; all else is merely commentary
In order to reform themselves, the Witnesses would need to understand that each person must approach "God" [a.k.a. the Unique; the Ineffable; the Ultimate] in his or her own way; my way cannot be another person's path, just as another person's path cannot be my way. The Witnesses would have to appreciate the personal and culture differences that mark each person's approach to God. They would have to manifest tolerance and allow each person to follow his/her conscience in their search for God.
In essence, the Witnesses would have to transform themselves into Unitarian-Universalists, you know, the people who begin their prayers with the words - "To whom it may concern..." Of course, such an idea is impossible. Can you imagine what you would get if you "crossed" a Jehovah's Witness with a U-U? You would get a pain in the ass who knocks on your door looking for a discussion.