Are you saying that the radio belongs to Jehoba?!!?!!
well, I just participated in a miracle
by Hortensia 57 Replies latest jw experiences
Billy the ex-bethelite - it was the table legs, of course. If you had a couple of bodies in there, you probably wouldn't want the legs hanging out. Too many questions.
FHN - you're right - that is one of the cutest and funniest things I've heard in a while.
Wings - you know the Virgin Mobil helps those that help themselves. How about target practice with a pistol? Or feed it to a Rottweiler. Or maybe just use a hammer? You could test the cell phone, how many times do you have to flush it before it is ruined. Or, maybe test whether cell phones go through the dishwasher safely. Or, put it in the driveway and try to do wheelies on it with your car. Try dropping it from progressively higher windows until it breaks. I'm sure there's a government grant for this kind of research. Damn, I'm inspired today!
cultswatter, Jehoboo who? There is only the Virgin Mobil.
Sad emo
Look - all these tacky ornament manufacturers are making idols to sell for big bucks:
Indeed we are seeing for ourselves that religion is a snare and a racket!
Wings - you know the Virgin Mobil helps those that help themselves. How about target practice with a pistol? Or feed it to a Rottweiler. Or maybe just use a hammer? You could test the cell phone, how many times do you have to flush it before it is ruined. Or, maybe test whether cell phones go through the dishwasher safely. Or, put it in the driveway and try to do wheelies on it with your car. Try dropping it from progressively higher windows until it breaks. I'm sure there's a government grant for this kind of research. Damn, I'm inspired today!
Thank you for your wisdom Mediator of the Virgin Mobile. It will be tested by fire today. If there is any gold in it, she can have it back.
well, no, I'm the mediatrix. But you can be a certified angel for only $39.95. Please respond with your name, billing address and credit card number and you too can be an angel. Upgrade to silver wings and halo for $49.95 or be a gold angel for $59.95! Platinum rank angels start at $99.95!!! Order now!!!
You know, I always thought there was something to religion, I just couldn't put my finger on it, but now I'm inspired and able to allow millions to join the ranks of angels!!!
Sad Emo, you are right - that website is sheer idolatry. The truth about the Virgin Mobil is only available through JWD. Wings, because of your willingness to obey, I can give you 10% off on angelhood if you respond now!
Hortensia, your congregation must be huge by now!!! Five years of technology and the Virgins blessing must must be bringing in the sheep, angels and that 10% discount.
This is the funniest thread, must bring it to the top!