Marriage after Armageddon

by nemail 81 Replies latest social relationships

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Why do people want to put the society down?

    It all depends on what they've been through. Some JWs have had a fairly pain-free life and therefore can't understand why some have such bitterness towards the Organization.

    Here's a rare, but very painful example, that might illustrate the point.

    Suppose your child needed a liver transplant and the Watchtower said no. He dies. Next year the Watchtower changes their policy and says it's OK. He died in vain over the result of the 2/3 majority vote (aka new light) of the Governing Body. (A brother who used to work in the Executive Offices at 25 Columbia Hts confirmed the 2/3 majority voting scenario to me personally.)

    Does that sound like the operation of Jehovah's Holy Spirit, or some well meaning brothers making their best call on a conscience issue and then changing their minds?

    Would you feel satisfied with this explanation: "Oh well. Don't take it too badly. He'll be resurrected."

    That's just one example of how people's lives have been seriously affected by the Watchtower expecting JWs to treat it like it's God's Word. (Even though they officially say it's not.)

    Open Mind

  • sir82
    Scientists estimate that mankind has learned 3% of what earth has to offer

    Just curious where you got this statistic.

    Which scientist(s) said it? When? Where was it published? In what context?

    Sounds suspiciously like one of those meaningless and/or made-up factoids that populate public talks and Awake articles.

  • Finally-Free

    When I was a JW I was convinced that we would travel the universe and populate all the galaxies. Once I was married for a few years I realized that such an undertaking would be too much like work.

    Now I live alone and love it.


  • OnTheWayOut
    Jehovah won't let some be married and deny others. That's not his way.

    Alright, if the forum doesn't want to give you a serious answer, I will.

    Jehovah has always given to some and denied others. The Jews were his
    chosen people, yet they were as bad as the heathens around them much of
    the time. He gives them miraculous power with the ark of the covenant to
    wipe out peoples that never heard of him and their innocent children.

    In Armageddon, Jehovah will give to some and deny others again. People
    who never received a Watchtower magazine (the only way to start learning the
    truth, apparently) in Muslim and Hindu and Tribal religious areas of the world
    will be wiped out. Their little babies will be destroyed because their parents
    never had a "Bible" study in WT literature. Other babies will be spared because
    their parents sold WT's on the corner for half an hour every Saturday before going
    to the coffee shop. LIFE IS UNFAIR.

    So, thinking that it is unfair that I enjoy a "perfect" wife and we have "perfect" enjoyment
    at night, with her painless delivery of our perfect children, while you got hit by a bus, and
    were resurrected to enjoy a sexless life, perhaps focusing on art or nature because you
    are "alone" to pursue your interests- well that's a lousy attitude. Remember that LIFE

    You are just the clay. How dare you question the clear understanding that the Governing
    Body claims to have, well sort of, of God's will for humans. At least the creator lets you
    or anyone resurrected have life and the enjoyment of Rain and Sun on your face.
    If you are not allowed to enjoy a sexual relation with another human being because sex is
    for the married ones who were never resurrected, perhaps technology will invent the
    cyber-pleasure-bot that looks and reacts just like a human, plus they can have all the
    features the owner wants (enlarged or tight features). It would only be considered masturbation,
    and we all know that masturbation is not a DF'ing offense. So stop complaining.

    Maybe I will be jealous that my perfect wife has a small butt and average breasts, but your
    cyber-pleasure-bot has got it "going on" with her big butt and double G cups.

    Edited to add: All humans (resurrected, lived through Great Tribulation, or Born perfect) will have
    the enjoyment of serving Jehovah, picnicing and petting lions, kicking beachballs against the side
    of elephants, building their own mansion along a brook or just taking a mansion that a "worldly"
    person used to live in. That should be enough for ya, ungrateful doubter.

  • Gopher
    Why do people want to put the society down? They aren't perfect,but do people expect them to be?

    The WTS demands that you believe what they teach, or you are apostate. In other words, they teach they are God's gift to mankind.

    However, whenever they cover over past errors with the explanation "oh well this is NEW LIGHT", then they are not owning up to the fact that their past changes have been due to the fact that they ARE NOT spirit-directed as they claim to be. In some cases, they are just making their best guess, in other cases they teach what is most convenient or what will ensure the survival of the organization structure.

    They can't have it both ways. Either they are spirit-directed, or they're just men interpreting the Bible (as they claim when past errors are covered over with new light).

    The bad part is the absolute obedience they demand. If you read the forum you'll see numerous examples of where many tried to be good JW's but couldn't navigate all the rules of the organization. People do leave JW's for that reason too, and not just because they sinned and are guilty.

  • Finally-Free
    Why do people want to put the society down?

    Why does the society criticize other religions, governments, science, education, the medical profession, big business, alternative lifestyles, and essentially everything they don't control?

    Why do Jehovah's Witnesses do that and still assume that they alone should remain immune from criticism?


  • mrsjones5

    Sorry but there will be no sex after the big A, just a lot of Kens and Barbies running around

  • SB

    Hi Nemail, I don't have an answer to your question, because I don't believe in the 1000 yr. reign of christ post armageddon anymore. sorry. welcome to the forum though. :) there are a lot of unanswered questions, just be sure to always stick to what YOU are convinced of, not what you are told is "probable". we are given reasoning minds for a very important reason. best of luck to you. SB

  • SB

    p.s.: you said: "Scientists estimate that mankind has learned 3% of what earth has to offer, and thats after 6000 years of human history". be careful how you reason on this: do scientists say there are only 6000 years of human history?

  • JH

    Just angels don't need sex.

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